Do you want a Rebellion mini-set?


I've noticed a lot of conversations, questions, and concerns regarding the idea of a Rebellion mini-set and the general sentiment seems quite divided. There are some pros and cons in regards to the idea, so why not have a poll and open discussion to provide some free market research and general feedback to the Splinterlands team?

Yes, I want a Rebellion mini-set

One of the main points of this option that I've seen is that it could delay the next core set release until the end of 2025. This would keep Chaos Legion, and ultimately Rebellion, in modern longer, which is clearly a pro or con depending on which side of the fence you're on in regards to that topic.

One of the main cons to this option is that it will leave little to no time to recover from the current surplus of promo cards that are coming at us before being met with a mini-set and then new core set towards the end of 2025. This could lead to buyer fatigue and an overall more difficult time selling the next core set.

No, I don't want a Rebellion mini-set

One of the main points of this option is that skipping the mini-set would lead to an earlier release of the next core set. This will push Chaos Legion out of the Modern format sooner, which as stated previously is either a pro or con depending on your perspective. There appear to be many people on each side of this point.

One of the main cons of this option is that it could ultimately give Rebellion a shorter lifecycle in the Modern format, which some feel could hurt the overall value of the set. On the plus side, a new core set would likely lead to more revenue for the company and could help to extend the runway further.


The thoughts mentioned under each option are based on my observations of conversations and general sentiment among the community. They are not meant to be all inclusive and I encourage everyone to share their own thoughts and opinions in the comments. My plan is to share the results of the poll with @yabapmatt to hopefully help the company make an educated decision based on stake-weighted demand and overall community sentiment.


They stated in an official post that they werent doing a mini set this time when RB came out so I think they should stick to it. We gotta get back to sticking to your word


And the DAO commissioned 10 promo cards instead of a miniset. That was what we voted on.


@yabapmatt does needing more runway play any part in regards to this mini-set? I was waiting for the official proposal to see if that was mentioned or not.


Not trying to answer for him, but I believe he said the mini-set would fund the DAO. He's at HiveFest, so maybe he can answer if he gets time or when he gets home.


Yes, it would benefit the DAO but the DAO would have to pay the team to create it which would help replenish the team's DEC. At this point, the next time the team will get paid by the DAO is the next core set if there is no mini-set.


I would need to know if there was a particular reason to do the mini-set vs bringing out the next set early in 2025.

Without knowing that, I can't really vote.

I think it'd have to be a very good reason to delay the release of the next set on time. But while I'd like to stay on track if possible, I would definitely listen if a good case was made by Matt.


well, my guess is that SPS still needs to recover. As well as player base. Pushing out CL would leave modern with few players who can compete. But that's just my guess. In other view, making new set (not mini) with more affordable price per pack or enlarging the pack size from 5 to 7 would help


I can only answer based on what I've seen from Matt publicly. It seems the general idea is to keep constant sell pressure up to try to push DEC to peg.

My personal thoughts are that could work if we're doing some actual marketing outside of just our own community. I also think something like that makes way more sense with a new core set than a mini-set.

Overall, I'm just gathering feedback and sentiment to share with him based on what I'm seeing. People have been discussing this sent he brought it up. There's quite a few upset that "he said no mini-set and we voted on the promo proposal based on that info" as well.

Clearly it's a complex issue, personally I think I'd rather see CL get out of modern (even though I own like 2 full CL sets + RW) as I think a new core set has a better chance of selling and getting funds to the company to extend runway. That's just my personal feelings on the matter though. However it goes and whatever the team decides we'll have to see what happens.


Although not doing a mini-set would be out of the norm, I do believe there are more pros at this point to move towards the next core set instead. However, I think we should communicate now that the next core set will or will not have a mini set included - I hope we go back to having them.


As someone that has bought a mostly complete RW set, yea I like them too. My personal thoughts at this point are more related to resource management and whether or not the juice will be worth the squeeze. I also can't just overlook the faction of people saying "we voted for a promo proposal based on not having a mini-set."

I think gathering feedback to share with the team to help inform their decisions in relation to this issue is important. So thanks for sharing.


Yes mini set please. I want CL in Modern for as long as possible. Also, Matt said he wants to do a mini set. Let's trust Matt's vision as we have on so many other situations.


No thank you. Until CL rotates out of Modern it will suppress sales and most players, not in high champ, can manage just fine using CL & reward cards.

I want to see SPL thrive and take advantage of the upcoming bull run. If CL is in Modern during that period the opportunity cost could be massive.

Also with CL in Wild, Modern would start to look more normal with bronze, silver and gold style decks forming lower down, which is a much better environment for new players, who would be able to afford to buy low BCX cards to get started.

With accelerated Deving and growth would come a higher SPS price, which would result in more sales and may make a CEX listing more likely.

I would also caution that many supporters of a mini set are more concerned with extending the longevity of their CL deck in Modern than having any interest in buying the mini set.


For me, it's about pricing. The demand is so low yet the prices are out of reach, everyone knows it's a losing bet in terms of capital appreciation. Same goes even with the next core set release.


I dont want to see any new mini sets unless there is an older card burn mechanism built in. A mini set is a good chance to test out a crafting set design. Packs don't contain cards they contain recipes. For example, Recipe is for a fire:water common. You need a fire common + water common + recipe = mint new card. Packs would be like $2, since you are spending some outside value to create a card from a recipe.


Unless sps price justifies the investment (return vs investment), I am not going to buy into any new set.

Whether it is the bull taking sps up or massive player inflows due to new features and marketing, I don't care.

Currently, the returns from the game do not justify further investment into it.


Why new cards from the same collection? Just play CL for Wild.


Voted no but it's not something I feel strongly for or against. I'm just not ready for any new cards yet


Inflation and the Card-Price-Gap have been killing the game. There is no point for any new player to come into the game knowing the cards they need to buy will lose all their value once dumped into Wild. The last thing the game needs is for even more cards to be printed. No, I don't want a Rebellion mini-set. A Fundamental change needs to be made to make older cards hold up in value to save the game at this point.

There is no point in having a play2earn game when the loss in asset value is multiple times that of the earnings that can be made.


Since Chaos legion was the biggest set and had the most buyer attached to it ... by a large number, i would say they are the buyers that suffered the most since the 2022 bearmarket. Makes me think that we should take in consideration what is best for most investors and ask the chaos legion investors their sentiment on the topic. I feel like if we let down most of our community for the present state we will lose, if not already, the old supporters too :(
I dont know shit. I just want this game/community to survive and thrive together, not as selfish individuals. My opinion ofc. :)


Sorry for kind of screwing up the tally here, but I am generally in favor of the concept of a mini-set. Couple of things:
(1) I trust Matt and want to let him cook. If he says a mini-set if the right thing to do, I'm all for a mini-set. I'll have opinions on some of the details and will agree/disagree with different things, but will generally support it.
(2) I'm generally in favor of having more cards. I personally don't think of cards as investments, but rather as playable assets and collectibles. I think having more of those is good for the fun of the game, for its accessibility, and also for VARIETY (more card diversity among players is in my opinion a good thing).
(3) I think it's completely fine for the company to change its mind on things. Few things are so sacred that they can never change (some of the major aspects of tokenomics, such as SPS being capped, would fall in this category IMO). Whether or not there's a mini-set is NOT a sacred promise in my mind, and therefore the fact that it was said at some point that there wouldn't be one doesn't bother me one bit. I've been building products for 20 years, and if you told me I could never change my mind on what I said I can guarantee you I would have built WORSE products as a result.
