RE: SPS Poll - Should we change the Market Fees?

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If the market volume picks up significantly (like bull market) then maybe we should lower them. Perhaps a dynamic approach is better. I am very against the 10% fees myself, which is why I took the time to try to come up with an alternative (the 10 dec listing fee) but it seems neither is well received.

I think if we see the market doing 100k+ volume a day, maybe there's an argument to lower the market fees. If it's doing a million dollars a day in volume (raging bull market craziness) I think it would be a much easier sell.

All of that said... we could look at the situation we're in right now and also say... maybe we should keep it like it is in a raging bull market and the marketplaces need to save those profits to carry them through hard times like we're in now.

Ultimately I don't feel too strongly about either of the proposals, but I do think we need to always be aiming to make the ecosystem self sustaining.


I actually think it's the opposite. We should make fees lower when things aren't looking so good. If we're in a full bull run with people buying cards left and right, tons of new players and new money entering the ecosystem, that's when the fees won't matter as much. That's the time to stock up the money for when things calm down again.


Fair enough... at this point, unless I see some overwhelming demand to try something else I'm probably just going to leave it alone. I do think something dynamic based on volume could be interesting, but probably unlikely to happen.


Yeah, something dynamic would likely take a lot of dev time and be open to exploits. If we were going to change it, based on activity, it would have to be something like "let's reduce it to X% right now and when we see transactions above Y for a certain amount of time, the team is free to increase it to Z%.

Still, it's probably for the best to leave it alone unless most of the SPS wanted them lower.
