✨ delicious easy and quick poha recipe(flattened rice)✨

Hello everyone😊, welcome to my first recipe
blog.You all will be fine, I want to share delicious an easy recipe which we call Poha, Which you can eat for breakfast in the morning and also in the evening, which also tastes good..and very easy and quick recipe So now let's start with the method of poha

Ingredients ✨
{1} 1 gram poha(flattened rice)
{2} 1/2 cup peanuts
{3} 1 red chilli
{4} 2 chopped onions
{5} Little ginger 3 garlic
{6} a little spoon turmeric
{7}1 spoon Mustard
{8} a little glitter cumin
{9}coriander leaves
(10) Curry leaves
salt as per taste

So now let's start with how it is made
Step by step

{1}After taking the Poha, wash it with normal water so that the Poha becomes soft. Keep in mind that do not keep the Poha in water for too long, due to which the Poha becomes very soft.

{2} Now heat the oil in the pan and then cook the peanuts a little bit, then take out the other peanuts and then cook the mustard, cumin and onion Cook everything thorough 5 minutes

{3}Then put the poha in the pan and mix everything Add salt as per your requirement and mix. well so that everything gets mixed well and the poha can be made tasty.

So our Poha is ready in which coriander leaves have to be sprinkled on top and served with hot tea

I have made this easily which can be made in a short time as if we are busy and hungry then poha can be made immediately which does not take much time: This is my first blog and first recipe so please support me and tell me about whatever mistake I made while making it so I can try again and make it better.
So thank you so much for visiting my blog And keep supporting me thank you all of you✨


Hi @cryptosana

Welcome to the community. This recipe looks very delicious, and with many flavors. Great!

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this rice recipe looks very delicious, thank you for sharing it.


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency
