Does The Most powerful team always Win

Having the strongest cards doesn't guarantee you a win. It's not just about power; clever thinking and planning are crucial. The way your cards work together, the special abilities they have, and how you use them against your opponent can make a huge difference. Even if your enemy has stronger cards, you can still win by outsmarting them. It's a game where brains can beat brawn. You can see that I am outgunned in this lineup.

Just take a look at the heal points, the opponent has two monsters with 16 and one at thirteen. Baakjira has self-healing heal and a max level Daarg Deadblast has triage. I have two at 5 and one at 4. That alone would spell defeat in any lineup.

Let's break down my strategy process. When the battle match-up is completed I have about 2 and a half minutes to make a decision, first check the rules and then see what splinter will fit them best. In this case, I gave more importance to the earthquake rule so I wanted to pick more flying monsters. Then I looked at reverse speed and wanted to factor that in, but not as much.

As you can see five out of the six had flying ability, which means they will not take damage from the earthquake, I also wanted to have heal and Armour repair included, we all get thorns damage so keep the melee units to a minimum.

Can you Spot the Blunder That my Opponent Made? Well, he made a few first a simple one of not picking so many melee units as they are going to take thorns damage. Not picking any monsters with flying, so as well as thorns he will be taking earthquake damage. But what I am seeing is a glaring one and it could have made the difference for a win. You see he has a weapons-training monster and two no-attack monsters and yet did not place them together to give them an attack.

Click Image To Watch The Battle

The critical importance of knowing strategy. This battle I had to work with Earthquake, Briar Patch, and Reverse Speed so my thinking went to selecting the best tactics. My ability and a bit of luck were just enough to secure a win with a mere four damage points, right at the last shot shows that skill and strategic thinking beat out brute force in this game.

Happy Battling

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Nicely done. I guess he wanted to avoid those non-attack monsters taking thorns damage by attacking.
I love to pair scattershot from Jacek, with blast and snare from Grenadier (in Wild) in Earthquake matches. If you get lucky, that 3 mana card can strip the wings off the entire opposing team. Throw in Spark Pixies and a Flame imp and they're going to struggle to survive long enough to hit me. It's so funny when you see that perfect confluence of rulesets you've thought about previously, and get the chance to try something specific out at last.


It wasn't a blunder at all, he played it correctly. That MAX level Daarg Deadblast has weapons training, so Baakjira and Almo Cambio had 4 magic attacks. Still can't believe how I won that battle.

I don't have Grenadier or Sparkes, but I do a similar setup with Exploding Rats and Exploding Dwarf with a Melee Mayhem rule, even better if it is paired with Equalizer.


The Water elements combination of warriors is a line that I often play in the arena. I found that it works perfectly in these circumstances. Magic fighter's presence ease your strategy.
Thank you for sharing


Yeah water and dragons are usually a
very powerful combo.
