Splinterlands Social Media Challenge / Celebrating 6 years with new rewards and objectives.

The last season has been incredible and loaded with many surprises for me. From my point of view, it was very worthy and timely to celebrate the sixth anniversary of Splinterlands. Although I could not achieve my goal of the season, but I was close, besides that I was able to get several interesting cards and increase the level of some of them.

Source: Splinterlands

Season goal and earnings (Glint and SPS).

A few weeks ago I had said that my goal was to reach the champion league rating, but incredibly I stayed in the Diamond league 20 points away from the Champion league, in the last day of the season I lost against a player who had a higher rating. That way, I lost the opportunity to enter the highest league of Splinterlands.

On the other hand, the best part of the season has been the Glint earnings, but this is because I invested more DEC than usual, so I could buy some common cards to increase their level, as well as rent legendary cards and get more SPS tokens to improve the rewards. Also on the last day of the season I claimed the SPS I had generated in the last few days.

In total, I earned more than 70,000 Glint, approximately an amount close to 80,000 Glint, but the liquid part was used in the store during the course of the season, while the final rewards were used instantly upon claiming them.

How I spent my Glint tokens, the packs I bought and the legendary cards I got.

Although it is a great option to accumulate Glint, I am using all the tokens to get cards and level them up, plus some chests. In this last season I bought several chests from the two lowest categories and only a few from the last category, but at the end of the season I bought many from the top category.

I was also able to buy several Gladius packs, luckily I got several cards, some gold and epic cards, plus I added an extra investment to buy several Chaos Legion packs. Finally, I was able to acquire two legendary cards, one in a chest and another in a Chaos Legion pack. That is, I got many important cards for me, the card in the chest I already had in my deck, but being legendary is always welcome, while the card I got in the CL pack, is a very powerful and useful card, but the most interesting thing is that this card was not part of my collection, so it will serve to strengthen my deck and my strategies.

I was also able to increase several cards to level 5, in addition to improving the summoners. All this allowed my season to be very rewarding.

The goal and methodology of this current season.

In the last season I focused on reaching an important league in the wild mode, for this reason my performance was not the best in the modern league, but this season has returned my interest to achieve good results in the modern league, as this way the SPS and Glint rewards are maximized by 50%.

My methodology to perform in both leagues is to use the first five days of the season to divide the total amount of battles in both league modes. Afterward, I will analyze the performance obtained in the first days, and then I will be able to decide what I should do or how I should distribute the amount of energy available in the two modes.

For now, everything is going well in the modern league, since I have gained more than 200 rating points. If I continue with the same stats I will be able to raise 500 points in the next two days, but in case everything fails, then I will have to continue my focus on the wild league, as it is the one where I am better positioned.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



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