RE: I'm done. I sell everything, 🔜™️


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I'm going to miss you. Sorry to see you leave, but I completely understand.

We never know what will be the tipping point when we drag others around in the mud, but I will say that they pushed you to do this. Maybe some are happy with this, but its our loss.

I appreciate all you did for the game for a very long time. I think you were great for the community and were a HUGE part of it.

I hope you stop by from time to time and let us know how you are doing. And of course, more importantly than anything, I wish you the best in everything you do in the future. Take care Twinner!!!


Yeah, I feel bad because I did participate in some good natured ribbing. But I was pretty clear that I thought that though the results were eyebrow raising, they were proof of nothing, and the path forward was have a better voting system next time. That was the conclusion of 99% of us. It's a shame that the 1% that won't let go can have this much influence over people.
