Diabolical plan to push the SPS to the Moon


For several months now, I've had this idea in mind for Splinterlands, but I've never taken the time to write about it here. This time, it's time!

So, once again, the main idea is to take inspiration from mobile games and, this time, tackle advertising!

According to a 2016 study conducted by Swrve on tens of millions of gamers:
0.19% of players generate 48% of mobile game sales (with integrated purchases), the remaining 52% are generated by ads viewed by the remaining 99.81%. I think there's huge potential for @Splinterlands, including for Invennium Corp and its ecosystem.

On the Internet, a video spot is said to generate between 5 cents and a few dollars. Just imagine...

The idea here would be to offer video ads and let players accumulate credits by watching the videos.

At first, I thought of making players earn DECs, but people would quickly farm the ads to sell the DECs directly, so it wouldn't be optimal at all.

So I think the best solution would be:

  • The user watches the ad in its entirety;
  • The $xx is unlocked for Splinterlands.
  • Splinterlands keeps 20%;
  • The remaining 80% is locked in a wallet, waiting to be used to buy DEC (when the credits are used up).
  • Credits are added to the user's balance.

(The 20/80 ratio based on Pareto's law is just an example).

For the user, it will be much simpler: ad viewed -> credit earned.
The ideal solution would be to reveal the amount of credits earned by opening a safe (more addictive), because let's not forget that each ad doesn't earn the same amount.

I don't really know how advertising agencies work, but if the technical constraints don't allow a system like this to be set up, I think Splinterlands would be well advised to develop it itself! Let's not forget that there are other games in the Splinterlands ecosystem. Besides, it's probably up to Invennium Corp to develop this.

I don't know about you, but personally, when I like a game, I don't mind watching a dozen ads to earn a few credits in the game in question. For Splinterlands, it's the same thing. Especially because this time, with the credits you earn, you can buy cards (NFT) that have real value and that you can resell later.

So, let's imagine I'm looking at 10 ads, taking the ones that earn the least: 5 cents for the example.

We'd then get 50 centimes of total revenue from the ads: 10 centimes for Splinterlands and 40 centimes for the user.
The 40 cents would be converted into 400 credits for the user.

And with 400 credits, you can rent (or buy) (really) a lot of cards or SPS!

Now, this may sound ridiculous, but imagine 10,000 players doing this every day!

10,000 x 0.5 = $5,000 : $1,000 for SPL and $4,000 in credits.

Now that's more interesting, given that we haven't yet discussed the potential repercussions of this system.

And I think my figures are very low estimates.

For the moment, I can only see positive aspects to the idea of integrating this system.

  • Splinterlands buys DECs every day when players use their credits;
  • More dynamic markets (buying and renting): more money coming in for SPL and more DEC burn ;
  • New players could easily rent better cards and would therefore have more motivation to stay in the game.

Side effect:

  • Better retention of new players,
  • Possible increase in SPS with DEC burn.
  • Possible DEC repeg

We could even imagine that if (when) DEC is under its peg, then xx% of the earnings generated by advertising will be used to buy and burn DEC.

In short, I see this as an opportunity to attract new players, retain existing players who can't afford to invest much, and bring money into Splinterlands in an automated way. It would also boost all markets and the game's economy as a whole.

Some will tell me that there will be abuse: advertising > credits > card purchase > card resale > DEC > cashout.

That's all very well, it'll stimulate the market and don't forget the 6% fee, 2% of which will be burnt. And that goes for both buying and selling.

I hope this is understandable, as English is not my first language. Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Feel free to comment, debate and, above all, share!

I take the liberty of poke, @aggroed, @yabapmatt & @nateaguila


And why not burning DEC all the way long ?

Say, for every 100 DEC bought threw adds (and burnt), only 50% of that value is then given back to player (faster flywheel). Opening Chests and getting many different rewards…
Oh wait, the reward could be Glint, almost nothing to develop (only the add system)…

Don't want add ? Here comes the season no-add pass (additional cost for bots too).

Thanks for your post @deadzy ! Many ideas can come from it.


Thanks for your reply, I hadn't really thought about GLINTs. But I must admit that for glint I'd be less motivated to watch ads 😂


The easy way is every account to burn some SPS every single day so the supply with get lower!🤪


I would be fully in favour of a system like this. I've said about putting ads on peakd dozens of times.

Earn revenue, buy hive from the market and either burn or distribute to staked hive holders. It could be thousands of dollars a month bought off the markets and put into the hands of long term holders. Drive up the price and increase interest in the token.

Same applies for splinterlands and would be a great way to put some buy pressure on SPS. I would include an option to turn off ads and not earn revenue or for people with over a certain amount staked as some people hate ads.

I think it's a tough sell though as a lot of the developers are very against ads and think it takes away from the product instead of seeing the benefits of an extra revenue stream.
