Understand the Ruleset To Win Against Opponents Who Has More and Stronger Units

Greetings, Everyone

I think it's about time I rejoin the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge, which is an event where like this.. We make some interesting topic about Splinterlands Game, whether sharing a battle, talking about our favorite card, or maybe... Your strategy to get earning from this game...

Name it any topic and there you can join us in this Social Media Challenge

So what my topic today?

I am a casual Splinterlands player, I like to play Splinterlands but I do not heavily invest in cards nor tokens. So there are many talks about Splinterlands is Pay to Win game... Well nothing wrong about that, in fact that thing is not only happening in games, the real world is moving based on this rule too.

So rather than thinking the unnecessary, let pin point the real issue here.... Can you beat stronger decks? The decks that have more level and better units than you?

the answer is YES!!!

Ok first a disclaimer from me again, as I have said above, I am just a casual Splinterlands player, not a champ anyway.

There are many ways how we develop our team, our deck or our meta to win our battle, having stronger team is definitely essential. However what's more important than stronger team is... about how you exploit the ruleset.

So that what we have today, defeating stronger opponent with a cringe line up in general... but excel in specific ruleset!!

hive divider - thepeakstudio.png


~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Ok this is our battle today, which I will showcase about beating up stronger team by exploiting ruleset. Ok, what's the prove that my opponent is stronger?

  1. They have higher level, look at their Cursed Windeku! It has healing ability because it has level 5, 2 level higher than mine.
  2. They have 5 units, I only have 3 units. Ok I know more units doesn't mean stronger, but in general it's harder to kill them because there is a Born Again ruleset there.


See that born again ruleset, in general this will make people going to get as many unit they can. I am only going with 3 units, which is not a wise.

I will put everything I have on exploiting that Maneuveurs ruleset using this cringe unit:


Possessed Puppet has double strike and my level 4 Gold Foil puppet will deliver 3 melee damage x 2 strike = 6 melee damage per round. It's awesome isn't it? However it's a cringe because he only has 3 health point. So a fallen apple from a tree could kill him if it lands on his head.

ok why would I use this card?

  1. Opponent won't predict this one. People use possessed puppet during super sneak ruleset or melee mayhem, not like this one Maneuvers because blast damage or opportunity melee attacker could put him down instantly.
  2. It's a damn 21 mana cap, no body expect this cringe unit will come in.
  3. Born Again ruleset, this ruleset helps a lot when you have many units, but in other side, it helps glass cannon to hit again or giving the second chance incase it gets killed before you get what you want from him.

Anyway I am pretty confident in small mana cap, kind of my forte it is. Let's see how my battle progressed


  • We started this battle with both side buffed and debuffed each others. If we closed the ruleset, definitely it's one sided line up
  • My opponent had 6 melee damage, 1 magic damage and 1 range damage. It's a combined 8 damage per round.
  • How about my team? It has 6 melee damage and 2 range damage. It looked like the same 8 damage per round, did it? Well it's a no anyway, I had double strike on my puppet, so it's a 11 damage per round.


  • And my puppet died instantly from Cursed Windeku thorn ability. LoL, this was silly, however he got revived from the born again ruleset. So I am right here, this dude gets killed by a soft poke, that's why people dislike this units
  • Anyway the surprise started from this point, my Possessed puppet arose with getting 2 armor from my Ravenhood Warden's protect ability


  • now we entered round 2 and my team looked in bad shape, a lot worse than them. My windeku got poisoned and other than him, the rest only had 1 health poin.


  • well surprise-surprise, my team got into an even condition, my puppet killed their windeku and fiend in a round, and had the armor replenished.. yes replenished, not repaired.


  • Gotcha, we got this one. Good Game


My opponent was leading in the first round suddenly they got a surprised and got overturned instantly. That's one of the key winning point in this battle, a hidden surprise came from Ravenhood Warden


When their Uraeus killed my Ravenhood warden, he died and the protect ability was disactivated.... Then he got revived and what's happened next? Protect ability got activated and everyone got a fresh 2 armor again.

This new fresh 2 armor was I said as replenished armor above, not a repair. It's a brand new armor, those who already worn out like my Cursed Windeku, got a 2 armor again.

It's a perfect exploit for Born Again ruleset. I do not know whether this is how the developer has intended to make armor ability holders do when they get killed, or it's just a bug they fail to notice... but this is a hack I know that most people do not know because they tend to just skip the battle without seeing the battle.

However it definitely put down my opponent who are stronger than me for sure. It's a good battle we can learn from, because the stronger and better team lost due to that simple hack.

Anyway I don't want to write ARMOR HACK in the title, let say it's a bonus for people who really read my post here. Thanks for coming and have a fun in Splinterlands Battlefield!!!

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Thank you for visiting my Splinterlands post here, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding Social Media challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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