RE: Let's look at SPS price with some context


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Lots of liquid SPS from about now until the end of presale will go up in smoke buying packs, most of long term players who have staked so much already probably won't unstake too much because we know SPS is the only way to Diamond Hands here and we can always agree that the price is expected to go up at least little by little so it'll be hard to pry alot of it away from most big holders. All signs point toward scarcity.
When the airdrop stops next July another big change in direction will happen for all our tokens.
Land again, which nobody seems to think about, will have a HUGE impact on SPS. We might need to have it staked and spent (even vouchers maybe needed) to level up buildings on land. We'll need sps to stake on other players if we don't play ourselves. What if we actually do get listed on Bnace? Again this will have a big price impact.
Splinterlands is red hot in a world of wanna bees and burn out failures so we should all expect it to go up though xD
