👊🏻BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! - ‍🔥Beating the "sneak" with 💥"Noa the Just" - ⚜️El Cholito Santo⚜️


Fuente / Source
Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me.


Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy les mostrare una batalla de "mana 36" con un mazo de "Water" y sin los monstruos de los elementos "Earth" y "Life".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I will show you a "mana 36" battle with a "Water" deck and without the monsters of the elements "Earth" and "Life".


Ruleset: "Ferocity"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los monstruos tendrán la habilidad "Fury", esto significa que podrán infligir el doble de daño a los monstruos enemigos con "taunt". Así que no deberíamos usar monstruos "taunt" en nuestros equipos.
This battle rule states that all monsters will have the "Fury" ability, this means that they will be able to deal double damage to enemy monsters with "taunt". So we just shouldn't use taunted monsters on our teams.


Fuente / Source


Escojo a "Kelya Frendul" como invocador y mi tanque es muy rápido pero no ataca.

Este invocador dará a todo mi equipo "+1 speed" y "+1 armor", este es un de mis invocadores de "water" favoritos.
Y como primer monstruo he seleccionado a "Kelp Initiate", su alta velocidad y salud le permitirá esquivar los ataques no-magic.

I choose "Kelya Frendul" as summoner and my tank is very fast but doesn't attack.

This summoner will give my whole team "+1 speed" and "+1 armor", this is one of my favorite water summoners.
And as the first monster he selected a "Kelp Initiate", his high speed and health will allow him to dodge attacks without magic.


Pongo 2 magicos y 1 "martyr" en medio.

Como segundo tanque he ubicado a "Djinn Oshannus", un legendario con "void" que resistirá muy bien los ataques mágicos.
En la tercera posición he puesto a "Venari Marksrat", un "neutral" con la habilidad "martyr" que al morir dará impulso a
los monstruos mágicos que están a su costado.
Y en la cuarta posición he seleccionado a "River Hellondale", cuya habilidad "resurrect" regresará a la vida a "Venari Marksrat".

I put 2 magicians and 1 "martyr" in the middle.

As the second tank I have placed "Djinn Oshannus", a legendary with "void" that will resist magic attacks very well.
In the third position I have put "Venari Marksrat", a "neutral" with the "martyr" ability that when killed will give a boost to
the magical monsters that are at his side.
And in the fourth position I have selected "River Hellondale", whose "resurrect" ability will bring "Venari Marksrat" back to life.


Y ubico un arquero y un anti-sneak al fondo.

Como quinto monstruo he puesto a "Swamp Spitter", su habilidad "repair" restaura el armor de un monstruo amigo, además de
lanzar flechas.
Y como último monstruo he puesto a "Noa the Just", su alta velocidad los hara difícil de matar por los "sneak".

And I place an archer and an anti-sneak in the background.

As the fifth monster I have put "Swamp Spitter", its ability "repair" restores the armor of a friendly monster, in addition to
shoot arrows.
And as the last monster put "Noa the Just", their high speed will make them difficult to kill by sneaks.


Me enfrenté a un equipo de "Fire" liderado por un "void".

Mi rival ha seleccionado el invocador "Tarsa" de "nivel 2", que da a su equipo "+1 strength" y "+1 health".
Su tanque es "Tusk the Wide", un monstruo con mucha salud y resistente a los ataques mágicos.

I faced a team of "Fire" led by a "void".

My opponent has selected the "Tier 2" summoner "Tarsa", which gives his team "+1 strength" and "+1 health".
His tank is "Tusk the Wide", a monster with high health and resistant to magic attacks.


Mi oponente se protege de los ataques no-magic con "Arkemis the Bear".

Me ponen este monstruo "gold" de "nivel 3" como segundo tanque cuya habilidad "protect" dará "+2 armor" a todo su equipo,
también tiene buena velocidad y mucha salud.

My opponent protects himself from non-magic attacks with "Arkemis the Bear".

They put this "gold" monster of "level 3" as a second tank whose "protect" ability will give "+2 armor" to all his team,
he also has good speed and a lot of health.


3 "sneak" y un "opportunity" intentarán someter a mi último monstruo y al más débil.

"Elven Cutthroat" de "nivel 3" y "gold", junto con "Uraeus" de "nivel 2" y "Tenyii Striker", forman un trío de "sneak" que
atacaran a mi último monstruo.
Y su "Serpentine Spy" buscará liquidar al más vulnerable de mi equipo.

3 "sneak" and an "opportunity" will try to subdue my last monster and the weakest.

"Level 3" "Elven Cutthroat" and "gold", along with "Level 2" "Uraeus" and "Tenyii Striker", form a "sneak" trio that
They will attack my last monster.
And his "Serpentine Spy" will seek to take out the most vulnerable on my team.


¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?

Si, mi estrategia funcionó a la perfección. Pude ganar impulso con mi "martyr" y también pude contener a su escuadrón de
"sneak" con "Noa the Just" y "Swamp Spitter" que restauró su armor.
La próxima vez jugare con "Axemaster" porque tiene "twin strike".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes, my strategy worked perfectly. I was able to gain momentum with my "martyr" and I was also able to hold off his squad of
"sneak" with "Noa the Just" and "Swamp Spitter" that restored his armor.
Next time I'll play "Axemaster" because it has "twin strike".



Mira la lucha desde aquí o en el vídeo a continuación.

THE BATTLE                

Watch the fight from here or in the video below.

Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


Posted using Splintertalk


Que diseños geniales tienen esas cartas Cholito, me encantan!😀



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