[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Quix the Devious", 💥"Anachron Bolter" and 🔥"Venari Marksrat" in 🔥"Going

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy juego con un mazo "Drake" "Life" y me enfrente a un team "Fire", es una batalla de "mana 37" y sin los monstruos "Water" y "Death".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm playing with a "Drake" "Life" deck and I'm facing a "Fire" team, it's a "mana 37" battle and without the "Water" and "Death" monsters.


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Ruleset: "Born Again"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todas las unidades tendrán la habilidad "Rebirth", esto les permitirá resucitar una vez. Podremos usar monstruos con la habilidad "martyr" y también otro monstruo con la habilidad "resurrect" para resucitar al "martyr" 2 veces.
This battle rule states that all units will have the "Rebirth" ability, this will allow them to resurrect once. We can use monsters with the "martyr" ability and also another monster with the "resurrect" ability to resurrect the "martyr" 2 times.


Ruleset: "Going the Distance"

Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se pueden usar monstruos con ataque "ranged". Se recomienda usar monstruos con "Close Range" y "Return Fire".
This battle rule states that only monsters with a "ranged" attack can be used. It is recommended to use monsters with "Close Range" and "Return Fire".


Uso un team con ataque "ranged" y magic.

Mi invocador es "Quix the Devious", este reducirá el ataque "ranged" y "speed" de enemigos en -1.
En la primera posición tengo a "Venari Marksrat" con "martyr", cuando muera dará más poder a "Naga Assassin" que posee
gran velocidad y será capaz de esquivar muchas flechas.
Después tengo a "Venari Crystalsmith" que se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.

I use a team with ranged attack and magic.

My summoner is "Quix the Devious", he will reduce the enemies' ranged attack and speed by -1.
In the first position I have "Venari Marksrat" with "martyr", when he dies he will give more power to "Naga Assassin" who has
great speed and will be able to dodge many arrows.
Then I have "Venari Crystalsmith" who will be in charge of healing my tank.


Ubico un "headwinds", "blast" y "recharge".

En medio tengo a "Anachron Bolter" con "headwinds", reducirá el ataque "ranged" de enemigos.
Casi al final tengo a "Prismologist" con "blast", hará mucho daño al monstruo y lastimará su línea de fondo.
Mi último monstruo es "Gobson Bomber" de "nivel 3" y "gold", su "recharge" hará mucho daño al tanque enemigo y se
mantendrá oculto hasta que llegue a la primera posición.

I place a "headwinds", "blast" and "recharge".

In the middle I have "Anachron Bolter" with "headwinds", it will reduce the enemies' "ranged" attack.
Near the end I have "Prismologist" with "blast", it will do a lot of damage to the monster and hurt its back line.
My last monster is "level 3" and "gold" "Gobson Bomber", its "recharge" will do a lot of damage to the enemy tank and it
will stay hidden until it reaches the first position.


Me enfrento a un team con full ataque "ranged".

Su invocador es "Tarsa" de "nivel 3", aumentará el ataque "melee" y "salud" en +1.
Su tanque es "Lava Launcher" con "close ranged", será capaz de atacar desde la primera posición.
Su segundo monstruo es "Gargoya Devil", es un "nivel 3" con "close ranged" y "flying", será muy ágil contra los ataques "ranged".
Después tiene a "Firecaller", un "nivel 3" con "martyr", cuando muera dará más poder a "Gargoya Devil" y "Flame Mephit"
que posee "flying".
Casi al final está "Gobson Bomber", un "nivel 3" que hará mucho daño a mi tanque con su "recharge".
Y su último monstruo es "Lava Spider", un "snipe" que ataca a la línea de fondo.

I'm facing a team with full ranged attack.

Their summoner is "Tarsa" of "level 3", he will increase the "melee" attack and "health" by +1.
Their tank is "Lava Launcher" with "close ranged", he will be able to attack from the first position.
Their second monster is "Gargoya Devil", it is a "level 3" with "close ranged" and "flying", it will be very agile against "ranged" attacks.
Then they have "Firecaller", a "level 3" with "martyr", when it dies it will give more power to "Gargoya Devil" and "Flame Mephit"
which has "flying".
Almost at the end is "Gobson Bomber", a "level 3" that will do a lot of damage to my tank with its "recharge".
And their last monster is "Lava Spider", a "snipe" that attacks the back line.


Ronda 1

Mi "Venari Marksrat" muere y revive para morir otra vez y dar más poder a "Naga Assassin" que ahora tiene "7 speed".

Round 1

My "Venari Marksrat" dies and revives to die again and give more power to "Naga Assassin" who now has "7 speed".


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Ronda 2

Mi "Gobson Bomber" elimina a "Lava Launcher", pero este revive y "Naga Assassin" está a punto de caer.

Round 2

My "Gobson Bomber" takes out "Lava Launcher", but it revives and "Naga Assassin" is about to fall.


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Ronda 3

"Anachron Bolter" fulmina a "Lava Launcher" y "Prismologist" acaba con "Gargoya Devil" pero este revive.

Round 3

"Anachron Bolter" destroys "Lava Launcher" and "Prismologist" finishes off "Gargoya Devil" but it revives.


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Ronda 4

"Anachron Bolter" liquida a "Gargoya Devil" y "Gobson Bomber" logra tumbar a "Firecaller",
pero este revive hasta que "Prismologist" lo vuelve a matar.

Round 4

"Anachron Bolter" kills "Gargoya Devil" and "Gobson Bomber" manages to take down "Firecaller",
but it revives until "Prismologist" kills it again.


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Ronda 5

"Flame Mephit" es fulminado por "Anachron Bolter", pero revive y es abatido por "Prismologist".
Mi "Venari Crystalsmith" es abatido por "Lava Spider", pero revive.

Round 5

"Flame Mephit" is killed by "Anachron Bolter", but revives and is taken down by "Prismologist".
My "Venari Crystalsmith" is taken down by "Lava Spider", but revives.


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Ronda 6

Los únicos guerreros en pie son "Gobson Bomber" y "Lava Spider", pero sin chances de ganar.

Round 6

The only warriors left standing are "Gobson Bomber" and "Lava Spider", but they have no chance of winning.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, Ubicar a un "martyr" al inicio permitió que mi segundo monstruo, "Naga Assassin",
se volviera muy veloz y esto le permitió esquivar muchas flechas.
Mi invocar "Quix the Devious" y "Anachron Bolter" con "headwinds" se encargaron de reducir el ataque "ranged" de enemigos.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Life" con el invocador "Ilthain" que otorgue "Return Fire" a mis unidades.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off. Placing a "martyr" at the start allowed my second monster, "Naga Assassin",
to become very fast and this allowed it to dodge many arrows.
My summoning of "Quix the Devious" and "Anachron Bolter" with "headwinds" took care of reducing the enemies' "ranged" attack.
Next time I will use a "Life" team with the summoner "Ilthain" that grants "Return Fire" to my units.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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Quix participation in the success of your battle strategies was remarkable.
The reduction of range attacks to all enemy cards on the board was the key factor that led to victory in my opinion.



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