[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Runeslinger" in 💥"Heavy Hitters"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Life" y me enfrente a un team "Death", es una batalla de "mana 41" y solo con los monstruos "Life" y "Death" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm using a "Life" team and I'm facing a "Death" team, it's a "mana 41" battle and only with the "Life" and "Death" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Lost Magic"

Esta regla de batalla establece que no se podrán usar monstruos mágicos en la arena. Para contener los ataques "melee" debemos usar "Thorns" y "Demoralize". Y para contener los ataques "ranged" debemos usar "Headwinds" y "Return Fire". También podemos usar "Backfire" para contra-golpear cuando el ataque enemigo falle. Se recomienda usar monstruos con 2 tipos de ataque.
This battle rule states that magic monsters cannot be used in the arena. To contain melee attacks we must use Thorns and Demoralize. And to contain ranged attacks we must use Headwinds and Return Fire. We can also use Backfire to counterattack when the enemy attack fails. It is recommended to use monsters with 2 types of attack.


Ruleset: "Heavy Hitters"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los monstruos ganan la habilidad "Knock Out". Por lo tanto debemos incluir en nuestras filas un monstruo con la habilidad "Stun" para poder aprovechar esta regla de batalla. Hay un 50% de posibilidades para aturdir, pero si se consigue aturdir, todos nuestros monstruos serán capaces de infligir el doble de daño.
This battle rule states that all monsters gain the "Knock Out" ability. Therefore we must include in our ranks a monster with the "Stun" ability in order to take advantage of this battle rule. There is a 50% chance to stun, but if a stun is achieved, all our monsters will be able to inflict double the damage.


Uso un team con ataque "melee" y "ranged"

Mi invocador es "Ilthain" que otorga "Return Fire" a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Drybone Barbarian", un "gold" con "enrage", hará mucho daño al ataque enemigo y ganará poder cuando
sea lastimado.
Mi segundo monstruo es "Corsair Bosun" con "reach" y "Reflection Shield", hará mucho daño al tanque enemigo.
Mi tercer monstruo es "Creeping Ooze" con "slow", reducirá la velocidad de enemigos.

I use a team with "melee" and "ranged" attack

My summoner is "Ilthain" who grants "Return Fire" to all my monsters.
My tank is "Drybone Barbarian", a "gold" with "enrage", he will do a lot of damage to enemy attack and gain power when
he is hurt.
My second monster is "Corsair Bosun" with "reach" and "Reflection Shield", he will do a lot of damage to enemy tank.
My third monster is "Creeping Ooze" with "slow", he will slow down enemies.


Ubico un sanador, un "stun" y un "blast" atrás.

Aquí tengo a "Venari Crystalsmith", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Casi al final ubico a "Runeslinger" con "stun", se encargará de aturdir al tanque enemigo.
Y mi último monstruo es "Prismologist" con "blast", hará mucho daño al tanque y al segundo monstruo.

I place a healer, a stun and a blast in the back.

Here I have "Venari Crystalsmith", he will be in charge of healing my tank.
Almost at the end I place "Runeslinger" with "stun", he will be in charge of stunning the enemy tank.
And my last monster is "Prismologist" with "blast", he will do a lot of damage to the tank and the second monster.


Me enfrenté a un team con ataques "melee" y "ranged".

Su invocador es "Thaddius Brood" que reducirá el ataque mágico y salud de mis monstruos en -1.
Su tanque es "Cursed Windeku" con "thorns", posee excelente salud y sus espinas harán 2 de daño a mi tanque.
Su segundo monstruo es "Silent Sha-vi", un "sneak" que lastimará a mi último monstruo.
Después está "Ravenhood Warden" con "protect", otorgará +2 "armor" a sus colegas.
En medio tiene a "Dhampir Stalker" con "true strike", su ataque siempre dará en el blanco.
Casi al final tiene a "Lira the Dark", un "opportunity", que se lanzará por mi monstruo más débil.
Y su último monstruo es "Harklaw" con "shield", será muy resistente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".

I faced a team with both melee and ranged attacks.

Their summoner is "Thaddius Brood" who will reduce the magic attack and health of my monsters by -1.
Their tank is "Cursed Windeku" with "thorns", he has excellent health and his thorns will do 2 damage to my tank.
Their second monster is "Silent Sha-vi", a "sneak" who will hurt my last monster.
Then there is "Ravenhood Warden" with "protect", he will grant +2 "armor" to his colleagues.
In the middle he has "Dhampir Stalker" with "true strike", his attack will always hit the target.
Almost at the end he has "Lira the Dark", an "opportunity", who will go for my weakest monster.
And his last monster is "Harklaw" with "shield", he will be very resistant to melee and ranged attacks.


Ronda 1

"Cursed Windeku" es aturdido y abatido por mis monstruos, pero "Creeping Ooze" es derribado por "Lira the Dark".

Round 1

"Cursed Windeku" is stunned and knocked down by my monsters, but "Creeping Ooze" is knocked down by "Lira the Dark".


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Ronda 2

"Drybone Barbarian" cae ante "Lira the Dark", pero "Silent Sha-vi" es liquidado por mi "Corsair Bosun".

Round 2

"Drybone Barbarian" falls to "Lira the Dark", but "Silent Sha-vi" is finished off by my "Corsair Bosun".


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Ronda 3

"Ravenhood Warden" y "Dhampir Stalker" caen consecutivamente.

Round 3

"Ravenhood Warden" and "Dhampir Stalker" fall consecutively.


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Ronda 4

"Harklaw" está en primera linea pero se ve muy indefenso.

Round 4

"Harklaw" is on the front line but he looks very helpless.


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Ronda 5

"Harklaw" está a punto de caer porque fue aturdido en la ronda anterior.

Round 5

"Harklaw" is about to go down because he was stunned in the previous round.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Runeslinger" fue muy útil al aturdir al tanque enemigo.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Earth" con full ataque "mágico".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Runeslinger" was very useful in stunning the enemy tank.
Next time I will use an "Earth" team with full "magic" attack.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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You are right about the choice of cards on your side of the board but also the perfect summoner in this battle.
The ruleset only allowed Melee and range in the arena.
Nice progression
