[ES/EN] 👊My Rebellion 🔥Reward Card 💥Reviews


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Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me.


Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy abri varios cofres de recompensas y conseguí varias tarjetas de monstruos como las siguientes.
Greetings to the entire Splinterlands community, today I opened several reward chests and got several monster cards like the following ones.


"Continuum Seer"

Este monstruo mágico de fuego posee "Backfire" y de costo "mana 4", será muy útil en "Little League" o en batallas de mana bajo, también posee buena velocidad lo que ayudará a activar su habilidad. En el "nivel 3" ganará "phase" y esto le permitirá esquivar ataques mágicos.
This fire magic monster has "Backfire" and costs "4 mana", it will be very useful in "Little League" or in low mana battles, it also has good speed which will help activate its ability. At "level 3" it will gain "phase" and this will allow it to dodge magic attacks.


"Giant Alpine Skink"

Este monstruo posee buen ataque "melee", "armor", velocidad y salud, su habilidad "shield" le permite resistir los ataques "melee" y "ranged". En el "nivel 5" gana "Phase", así que también será muy resistente a los ataques mágicos. Y en el "nivel 10", ganará "stun", así que su ataque podrá aturdir al enemigo.
This monster has good melee attack, armor, speed and health, its shield ability allows it to resist both melee and ranged attacks. At level 5 it gains phase, so it will also be very resistant to magic attacks. And at level 10 it gains stun, so its attack will be able to stun the enemy.


"Luceheim Demon"

Este es un monstruo con ataque "ranged" de costo "mana 7", posee gran ataque pero es muy lento. Como es un "snipe" atacará a la línea de fondo. En el "nivel 3" gana "cleanse" que le permitirá limpiar los efectos negativos de mi tanque. Y en el "nivel 10" tendrá "triage" y será capaz de sanar a sus colegas de la línea de fondo.
This is a ranged attack monster with a mana cost of 7, it has great attack but is very slow. As it is a snipe it will attack the back line. At level 3 it gains cleanse which will allow it to clean the negative effects of my tank. And at level 10 it will have triage and will be able to heal its back line colleagues.


"Olivia of the Brook"

Un "opportunity" con ataque "melee" y "mágico" de costo "mana 6" y del elemento "Life". Atacará al enemigo más débil, en el "nivel 2" gana "mimic" y será capaz de ganar una habilidad al azar del enemigo. En el "nivel 6" ganará "Reflection Shield" y será inmune a "Thorns", "Magic Reflect" y "Return Fire".
An "opportunity" with a "melee" and "magic" attack that costs "mana 6" and has the "Life" element. It will attack the weakest enemy, at "level 2" it gains "mimic" and will be able to gain a random skill from the enemy. At "level 6" it will gain "Reflection Shield" and will be immune to "Thorns", "Magic Reflect" and "Return Fire".


Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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