[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"enrage", 💥"martyr" and 🔥"tank heal" in 💥"Explosive Weaponry"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy juego con un mazo "Life" y me enfrente a un team "Drake" "Life", es una batalla de "mana 29" y solo con los monstruos "Earth", "Life" y "Drake" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm playing with a "Life" deck and I'm facing a "Drake" "Life" team, it's a "mana 29" battle and only with the "Earth", "Life" and "Drake" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Odd Ones Out"

Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se pueden usar monstruos con costo de mana impares, los invocadores no se ven afectados por esta regla. Conocer las habilidades de los monstruos de costo mana impar te ayudará a predecir lo que tu oponente puede y no puede hacer.
This battle rule states that only monsters with odd mana costs can be used, summoners are not affected by this rule. Knowing the abilities of odd mana cost monsters will help you predict what your opponent can and cannot do.


Ruleset: "Explosive Weaponry"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los monstruos tendrán la habilidad "Blast". La mejor estrategia es construir un equipo rápido con monstruos con "snipe", "sneak" y "opportunity". En cuestiones defensivas será muy bueno tener "shield" o "void".
This battle rule states that all monsters will have the "Blast" ability. The best strategy is to build a fast team with monsters with "snipe", "sneak" and "opportunity". In defensive matters it will be very good to have "shield" or "void".


Uso un team con ataque mixto.

Mi invocador es "Ilthain" que otorga a mis monstruos "Return Fire" y "+1 speed".
Mi tanque es "Drybone Barbarian", un "gold" de "nivel 2" con "enrage", ganará poder cada vez que sea lastimado
y tiene gran salud.
En la segunda posición tengo a "Venari Marksrat", un "martyr" que al morir dará poder a mi tanque y a "Djinn Renova"
con "strengthen", esta unidad dará "+1 health" a todos sus colegas.
Mi último monstruo es "Meriput Magician", un "tank heal" que se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.

I use a team with mixed attack.

My summoner is "Ilthain" who gives my monsters "Return Fire" and "+1 speed".
My tank is "Drybone Barbarian", a "level 2" "gold" with "enrage", he will gain power every time he is hurt
and has great health.
In the second position I have "Venari Marksrat", a "martyr" who when dying will give power to my tank and "Djinn Renova"
with "strengthen", this unit will give "+1 health" to all his colleagues.
My last monster is "Meriput Magician", a "tank healer" who will be in charge of healing my tank.


Me enfrento a un team con ataque mixto.

Su invocador es "Helios Matriarch", un "gold" de "nivel 4", otorga "+1 speed" a todos sus monstruos y le permite
usar un "gladius".
Su tanque es "Iziar", un "taunt" con "void", será muy resistente a los ataques mágicos.
Su segundo monstruo es "Venari Marksrat", un "martyr" que cuando muera dará poder a su tanque y a "Gargoya Scrapper",
un "gold" de "nivel 3" con "void".
Casi al final está "Meriput Magician", su función será sanar a su tanque.
Y su último monstruo es "Sola Ranjell", un "gladius" dorado que sanará a su tanque también.

I'm facing a team with mixed attack.

Their summoner is "Helios Matriarch", a "level 4" gold, who grants "+1 speed" to all their monsters and allows them to
use a "gladius".
Their tank is "Iziar", a "taunt" with "void", who will be very resistant to magic attacks.
Their second monster is "Venari Marksrat", a "martyr" who when killed will give power to their tank and to "Gargoya Scrapper",
a "level 3" "gold" with "void".
Almost at the end is "Meriput Magician", whose function will be to heal their tank.
And their last monster is "Sola Ranjell", a golden "gladius" who will heal their tank as well.


Ronda 1

Nuestros "martyr" murieron y dieron más poder a nuestros tanques.
Mi "Drybone Barbarian" gano más poder todavía que "Iziar".

Round 1

Our martyrs died and gave more power to our tanks.
My Drybone Barbarian gained even more power than Iziar.


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Ronda 2

El "blast" se ha encargado de derribar a "Gargoya Scrapper".

Round 2

The "blast" has taken down "Gargoya Scrapper".


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Ronda 3

"Drybone Barbarian" ataca a "Iziar" y el "blast" acaba con "Meriput Magician".

Round 3

"Drybone Barbarian" attacks "Iziar" and the "blast" finishes off "Meriput Magician".


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Ronda 4

Mi "Drybone Barbarian" realiza el ataque final que fulmina a los 2 enemigos en pie.

Round 4

My "Drybone Barbarian" performs the final attack that kills the 2 standing enemies.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Drybone Barbarian" fue un gran tanque cuyo poder de ataque hizo mucho daño
a la linea de fondo enemiga gracias al "blast" otorgado por "Explosive Weaponry". Después mi "Venari Marksrat"
dio más poder a mi tanque y a "Djinn Renova". Y "Meriput Magician" estuvo perfecta atrás sanando a mi tanque.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Drake" con ataque "melee" y "ranged".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Drybone Barbarian" was a great tank whose attack power did a lot of damage
to the enemy backline thanks to the blast granted by "Explosive Weaponry". Then my "Venari Marksrat"
gave more power to my tank and "Djinn Renova". And "Meriput Magician" was perfect in the back healing my tank.
Next time I will use a "Drake" team with "melee" and "ranged" attack.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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The barbarian and explosive is a great combo! One just have to keep in mind to have the healer have less speed than the barbarian - or he will get healed and lose his Enrage before the attack :-D But most healers are not as quick as a enraged barbarian, anyway.

