[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"void" and 💥"tank heal" in "Taking Sides"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Earth" y me enfrente a un team "Earth" también, es una batalla de "mana 99" y sin los monstruos "Water" y "Death".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm using an "Earth" team and I'm facing an "Earth" team as well, it's a "mana 99" battle and without the "Water" and "Death" monsters.


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Ruleset: "Taking Sides"

Esta regla de batalla establece que no se podrán usar monstruos neutrales, esto significa que no podré hacer uso de "Venari Marksrat" con "martyr" ni de "Spirit Hoarder" con "triage", tampoco estarán a mi disposición "Furious Chicken" ni "Creeping Ooze" con "slow".
This battle rule states that neutral monsters cannot be used, this means that I cannot use "Venari Marksrat" with "martyr" or "Spirit Hoarder" with "triage", nor will "Furious Chicken" or "Creeping Ooze" with "slow" be at my disposal.


Uso un team con ataque mixto.

Mi invocador es "Mylor Crowling" que otorga "thorns" a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Unicorn Mustang" con "void", será muy resistente a los ataques mágicos y posee excelente ataque, velocidad y salud.
Mi segundo monstruo es "Mycelic Slipspawn" con "taunt", recibirá todos los ataques hasta morir.
Después tengo a "Wood Nymph", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.

I use a team with mixed attack.

My summoner is "Mylor Crowling" who grants "thorns" to all my monsters.
My tank is "Unicorn Mustang" with "void", he will be very resistant to magic attacks and has excellent attack, speed and health.
My second monster is "Mycelic Slipspawn" with "taunt", he will receive all attacks until he dies.
Then I have "Wood Nymph", he will be in charge of healing my tank.


Ubico un sanador, un "silence" y un arquero atrás.

Aquí tengo a "Goblin Psychic", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Casi al final está "Mushroom Seer" con "silence" que reduce el ataque mágico de enemigos.
Y al final tengo a "Earth Elemental", servirá como señuelo para "sneak".

I place a healer, a "silence" and an archer in the back.

Here I have "Goblin Psychic", he will be in charge of healing my tank.
Almost at the end is "Mushroom Seer" with "silence" that reduces the enemies' magic attack.
And at the end I have "Earth Elemental", he will serve as a decoy for "sneak".


Me enfrento a un team con ataque mixto.

Su invocador es "Wizard of Eastwood" de "nivel 2" que reduce el "armor" de mis monstruos en -2.
Su tanque es "Flesh Golem" de "nivel 3" con "heal", será capaz de sanarse y posee excelente salud.
Atrás tiene a "Nectar Queen" con "flying", será muy ágil contra los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
Después tiene a "Centauri Mage" de "nivel 2" con "Return Fire", con gran salud y devolverá mis flechas.
En medio tiene a "Spirit Druid Grog" con "resurrect", se encargará de revivir a su tanque.
Casi al final tiene a "Mushroom Seer" de "nivel 2" con "silence".
Su último monstruo es "Javelin Thrower" de "nivel 2" con "piercing", será capaz de perforar el "armor" de mis monstruos.

I'm facing a team with mixed attack.

His summoner is "Wizard of Eastwood" of "level 2" that reduces the "armor" of my monsters by -2.
His tank is "Flesh Golem" of "level 3" with "heal", he will be able to heal himself and has excellent health.
In the back he has "Nectar Queen" with "flying", he will be very agile against "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
Then he has "Centauri Mage" of "level 2" with "Return Fire", with great health and he will return my arrows.
In the middle he has "Spirit Druid Grog" with "resurrect", he will be in charge of reviving his tank.
Almost at the end he has "Mushroom Seer" of "level 2" with "silence".
His last monster is "Javelin Thrower" of "level 2" with "piercing", he will be able to pierce the "armor" of my monsters.


Ronda 1

"Mycelic Slipspawn" resiste y "Flesh Golem" está a punto de caer.

Round 1

"Mycelic Slipspawn" is holding on and "Flesh Golem" is about to fall.


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Ronda 2

"Flesh Golem" es abatido por "Unicorn Mustang" pero es revivido, sin embargo "Mycelic Slipspawn" lo liquida de nuevo.
Ahora "Nectar Queen" está al frente.

Round 2

"Flesh Golem" is defeated by "Unicorn Mustang" but is revived, however "Mycelic Slipspawn" finishes it off again.
Now "Nectar Queen" is in charge.


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Ronda 3

"Nectar Queen" es abatido y "Unicorn Mustang" está intacto gracias a mis sanadores.

Round 3

"Nectar Queen" is down and "Unicorn Mustang" is intact thanks to my healers.


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Ronda 4

"Centauri Mage" está a punto de caer y mi tanque está muy bien respaldado, el triunfo está asegurado.

Round 4

"Centauri Mage" is about to fall and my tank is very well supported, victory is assured.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Unicorn Mustang" fue un gran tanque y mis 2 sanadores lo sostuvieron muy bien.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Death" con ataque mixto.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Unicorn Mustang" was a great tank and my 2 healers held him up very well.
Next time I'll use a "Death" team with mixed attack.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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