[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Immortalis", 💥"Mycelic Infantry" and 🔥"Mitica Headhunter" in 💥"Fog of War"


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy juego con un mazo "Earth" y me enfrente a un team "Water", es una batalla de "mana 59" y solo con los monstruos "Fire", "Water" y "Earth".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm playing with an "Earth" deck and I'm facing a "Water" team, it's a "mana 59" battle and only with the "Fire", "Water" and "Earth" monsters.


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Ruleset: "Aim True"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los ataques darán en el blanco, eso significa que ningún ataque fallara. Se recomienda tener un equipo muy veloz o con mucha salud y que dispongan de ataques poderosos. También debemos usar monstruos con la habilidad "Return Fire" para poder devolver el fuego de los arqueros.
This battle rule states that all attacks will hit the target, meaning that no attack will miss. It is recommended to have a very fast team or one with a lot of health and that has powerful attacks. We should also use monsters with the "Return Fire" ability to be able to return the archers' fire.


Ruleset: "Fog of War"

Esta regla de batalla establece que los monstruos pierden las habilidades "sneak", "snipe" y "opportunity". El secreto está en formar un equipo balanceado de monstruos mágicos y "ranged". Debemos mantener a los monstruos con mayor salud al final. La habilidad "Scattershot" trabajará sin problemas.
This battle rule states that monsters lose the "sneak", "snipe" and "opportunity" abilities. The secret is to form a balanced team of magic and ranged monsters. We must keep the monsters with the highest health at the end. The "Scattershot" ability will work without problems.


Ruleset: "Close Range"

Esta regla de batalla establece que los monstruos con ataque "ranged" pueden atacar desde la primera posición. Se recomienda usar invocadores que aumenten el ataque "ranged" o la velocidad. Nuestros unidades "ranged" deben tener un alto daño. Debemos tener cuidado con la habilidad "Return Fire" y una excelente salud y curación es el camino a seguir.
This battle rule states that monsters with ranged attack can attack from the first position. It is recommended to use summoners that increase ranged attack or speed. Our ranged units should have high damage. We must be careful with the "Return Fire" skill and excellent health and healing is the way to go.


Uso un team con ataque mixto.

Mi invocador es "Immortalis", este otorga "void", "shatter" a mis monstruos y "-1 health" a enemigos.
Mi tanque es "Mycelic Infantry" con "shield", será muy resistente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
Mi segundo monstruo es "Goblin Psychic", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Después tengo a "Mushroom Seer" con "silence", reducirá el ataque mágico de enemigos.

I use a team with mixed attack.

My summoner is "Immortalis", he grants "void", "shatter" to my monsters and "-1 health" to enemies.
My tank is "Mycelic Infantry" with "shield", he will be very resistant to "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
My second monster is "Goblin Psychic", he will be in charge of healing my tank.
Then I have "Mushroom Seer" with "silence", he will reduce the enemies' magic attack.


Ubico un "protect", un "blast" y un arquero atrás.

En medio tengo a "Queen Mycelia" con "protect", otorgará "+2 armor" a sus colegas.
Casi al final está "Goblin Tower" con "blast", lastimará a la linea de fondo, pero es muy lento.
Y mi último monstruo es "Mitica Headhunter" con "snare", hará mucho daño al tanque enemigo y le arrebatará el "flying"
si lo tuviera.

I place a "protect", a "blast" and an archer at the back.

In the middle I have "Queen Mycelia" with "protect", she will give "+2 armor" to her colleagues.
Almost at the end is "Goblin Tower" with "blast", she will hurt the back line, but she is very slow.
And my last monster is "Mitica Headhunter" with "snare", she will do a lot of damage to the enemy tank and will take away the "flying"
if he has it.


Me enfrenté a un team con ataques "melee" y "ranged".

Mi rival usa a "Pembrook Nymph" como invocador, este reduce la salud de mis monstruos en -1 y le permite usar un
monstruo "gladius".
Su tanque es "Coastal Sentry" con "double strike" de "nivel 5", hará mucho daño a mi tanque.
Su siguiente monstruo es "Clockwork Aide", un "gold" de "nivel 2" con "swiftness", dará mayor velocidad a sus colegas.
Aquí tenemos a "Noa the Just" con "rust", reducirá el "armor" de mis monstruos en -2.
En medio está "Gobson Bomber", un "gold" de "nivel 4" con "recharge", cuando ataque hará mucho daño a mi tanque.
Casi al final tiene a "Venari Marksrat", un "gold" de "nivel 2" con "martyr", cuando muera dará más poder a
"Gobson Bomber" y a "Swamp Spitter" de "nivel 4" con "repair", se encargará de restaurar el "armor" de su tanque.

I faced a team with "melee" and "ranged" attacks.

My opponent uses "Pembrook Nymph" as a summoner, it reduces the health of my monsters by -1 and allows him to use a "gladius" monster.
His tank is "Coastal Sentry" with "double strike" of "level 5", it will do a lot of damage to my tank.
His next monster is "Clockwork Aide", a "level 2" "gold" with "swiftness", it will give more speed to his colleagues.
Here we have "Noa the Just" with "rust", it will reduce the "armor" of my monsters by -2.
In the middle is "Gobson Bomber", a "level 4" "gold" with "recharge", when he attacks he will do a lot of damage to my tank.
Near the end he has "Venari Marksrat", a "level 2" "gold" with "martyr", when he dies he will give more power to "Gobson Bomber" and to "level 4" "Swamp Spitter" with "repair", he will be in charge of restoring the "armor" of his tank.


Ronda 1

"Goblin Tower" se encarga de doblegar a "Coastal Sentry" y su "blast" aniquila el "armor" de "Clockwork Aide".

Round 1

"Goblin Tower" is in charge of defeating "Coastal Sentry" and its "blast" annihilates the "armor" of "Clockwork Aide".


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Ronda 2

"Mitica Headhunter" abate a "Clockwork Aide".
Después "Goblin Tower" derriba a "Noa the Just".
Y mi "Mycelic Infantry" aniquila a "Gobson Bomber".

Round 2

"Mitica Headhunter" takes down "Clockwork Aide".
Then "Goblin Tower" takes down "Noa the Just".
And my "Mycelic Infantry" annihilates "Gobson Bomber".


Fuente / Source


Ronda 3

"Venari Marksrat" es despachado fácilmente y solo queda en pie "Swamp Spitter" pero sin chances de ganar.

Round 3

"Venari Marksrat" is easily dispatched and only "Swamp Spitter" remains standing but with no chance of winning.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, Mi tanque "Mycelic Infantry" con "shield" fue muy útil al resistir los ataques enemigos y
mi invocador "Immortalis" dotó con "shatter" a mis monstruos para permitir a estos deshacerse del "armor" enemigo.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Drake" "Life" con full ataque mágico.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, my tank "Mycelic Infantry" with "shield" was very useful in resisting enemy attacks and
my summoner "Immortalis" equipped my monsters with "shatter" to allow them to get rid of enemy "armor".
Next time I will use a "Drake" "Life" team with full magic attack.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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