[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥“Immortalis” and 💥“Doctor Blight” on 🔥“Wands Out” and 💥“Equal Opportunit

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Earth" y me enfrente a un team "Earth" también, es una batalla de "mana 55" y sin los monstruos "Water" y "Life".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm using an "Earth" team and I'm facing an "Earth" team as well, it's a "mana 55" battle and without the "Water" and "Life" monsters.


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Ruleset: "Wands Out"

Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se podrán usar monstruos con ataque mágico, se recomienda usar las habilidades Phase, Void, Void Armor y "Magic Reflect" para debilitar la magia.
This battle rule states that only monsters with magic attack can be used, it is recommended to use the skills Phase, Void, Void Armor and "Magic Reflect" to weaken the magic.


Ruleset: "Five Alive"

Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se pueden usar 5 unidades.
This battle rule states that only 5 units can be used.


Ruleset: "Equal Opportunity"

Esta regla establece que todos tus monstruos tendrán la habilidad "opportunity", por lo tanto atacarán al monstruo enemigo más débil de salud. La recomendación aquí es tener monstruos muy rápidos y con buena salud, esto te permitirá destruir al monstruo con menor salud del rival primero, permitiendo que tus monstruos más lentos hagan daño a los monstruos enemigos con salud más alta. Debemos colocar, entonces, a los monstruos de menor salud al frente. Y si es posible debemos escoger monstruos con 2 tipos de ataque o que tengan "twin strike".
This rule states that all your monsters will have the "opportunity" ability, therefore they will attack the enemy monster with the lowest health. The recommendation here is to have very fast monsters with good health, this will allow you to destroy the enemy monster with the lowest health first, allowing your slower monsters to deal damage to the enemy monsters with the highest health. We should then place the monsters with the lowest health in front. And if possible we should choose monsters with 2 types of attack or that have "twin strike".


Mi invocador es "Immortalis" que otorga "void" y "shatter" a mis monstruos y "-1 health" a enemigos. Mi tanque es "Prismatic Energy" con "magic reflect", será capaz de devolver el ataque mágico enemigo, además posee buena velocidad y salud. Mi segundo monstruo es "Goblin Psychic", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
My summoner is "Immortalis" who grants "void" and "shatter" to my monsters and "-1 health" to enemies. My tank is "Prismatic Energy" with "magic reflect", he will be able to reflect the enemy's magic attack, and he also has good speed and health. My second monster is "Goblin Psychic", he will be in charge of healing my tank.


Ubico un "silence", un "recharge" y un "affliction" atrás.

Aquí tengo a "Mushroom Seer" que reducirá el ataque mágico de enemigos.
Casi al final tengo a "Suidae Shaman" con "recharge", hará mucho daño al tanque enemigo.
Y mi último monstruo es "Doctor Blight", evitará que el tanque enemigo gane salud.

I place a "silence", a "recharge" and an "affliction" at the back.

Here I have "Mushroom Seer" that will reduce the enemies' magic attack.
Almost at the end I have "Suidae Shaman" with "recharge", it will do a lot of damage to the enemy tank.
And my last monster is "Doctor Blight", it will prevent the enemy tank from gaining health.


Mi rival usa como invocador a "Lobb Lowland" que reduce la velocidad de mis monstruos en -1 y le permite usar un monstruo "gladius". Su tanque es "Quora Towershead", uno de las bestias más poderosas con ataque "melee" y magic y con "heal", será capaz de sanarse y ganar poder cada vez que liquide a un enemigo. Atrás tiene a "Venari Seedsmith" con "dispel", será capaz de limpiar los efectos positivos de mi tanque. Y su último monstruo es "Madcap Magus" con "scattershot" y "Life Leech", ganará puntos de vida y atacará a un enemigo al azar.
My opponent uses "Lobb Lowland" as a summoner, which reduces the speed of my monsters by -1 and allows him to use a "gladius" monster. His tank is "Quora Towershead", one of the most powerful beasts with "melee" attack and magic and with "heal", he will be able to heal himself and gain power every time he kills an enemy. In the back he has "Venari Seedsmith" with "dispel", he will be able to clean the positive effects of my tank. And his last monster is "Madcap Magus" with "scattershot" and "Life Leech", he will gain life points and attack a random enemy.


Ronda 1

"Venari Seedsmith" y "Madcap Magus" son abatidos muy fácilmente y solo queda "Quora" en pie.

Round 1

"Venari Seedsmith" and "Madcap Magus" are easily dispatched, leaving only "Quora" standing.


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Ronda 2

"Suidae Shaman" se encarga de abatir a "Quora" con su poderoso ataque mágico.

Round 2

"Suidae Shaman" is in charge of taking down "Quora" with its powerful magic attack.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Immortalis" fue muy útil al otorgar a mis monstruos "void" y "Doctor Blight" evitó
que "Quora" se recupere.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Death" con ataque "melee" y "ranged".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Immortalis" was very useful in giving my monsters "void" and "Doctor Blight" prevented "Quora" from recovering.
Next time I will use a "Death" team with "melee" and "ranged" attacks.



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If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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