Splinterlands Social Media Challenge | The rare Earth Summoner "Wizard of Eastwood"


Wizard of Eastwood History

Next we are going to tell you a story about "Wizard of Eastwood", a much more extensive story about this great Splinterlands summoner.

Wizard of Eastwood.png

The Wizard of Eastwood, a figure shrouded in mystery and legend, had always been an enigma to the inhabitants of the Western Forest. Many years ago, in the golden days of his youth, he had been one of the brightest among the Wizards of the Forest. His prowess in summoning was unmatched, and his skills promised a future of greatness and respect among his peers. Yet something changed in him. Rather than continue his path alongside the other wizards, he chose a life of selfish seclusion and retreated into the depths of the Eastern Forest, where he disappeared from the sight and memory of many.

The years passed, and the Wizards of the Forest prospered without him. They established the school of Summoner's Green in the Western Forest, where they taught new summoners and preserved the magical traditions of their people. Meanwhile, the Wizard of Eastwood lived in solitude, devoting himself to arcane studies and honing his art in secret. His retirement, however, was not simply a retreat, but a time of preparation and accumulation of power.

Suddenly, after decades of absence, the Wizard of Eastwood returned. His reappearance was a shock to many, especially the Wizards of the Forest. He presented himself as a formidable contender in the tournaments of Mount Mox, displaying a mastery of summoning that had surpassed even his best days. His skills were astonishing and his presence, imposing. It seemed that every move and spell he performed was loaded with years of accumulated knowledge and power.

The return of the Wizard of Eastwood was not only a surprise, but also a threat. The Wizards of the Forest, who had settled into their role as mentors and protectors, now faced a rival who knew all their tactics and weaknesses. His rivalry with them was old and deep, based on philosophical and personal differences that had never quite healed.

In the tournaments of Mount Mox, the Wizard of Eastwood quickly stood out. His summons were unique, calling upon creatures and forces that the other wizards could only imagine. The young summoners, awed by his power, were beginning to doubt the authority of the Forest Wizards and wondered if there was anything more to learn from this reclusive but powerful wizard.

The Western Forest, home of the Forest Wizards, began to feel the strain. The balance of power was at stake, and the leaders of Summoner's Green met in council. They knew they could not ignore the Wizard of Eastwood or his growing influence. They needed to understand his intentions and, if possible, make peace with him. But the Wizard of Eastwood did not seek peace or reconciliation; his motives were deeper and more personal.

During a silent night, under the light of the full moon, the Wizard of Eastwood ventured into the heart of the Western Forest. There, in front of the leaders of Summoner's Green, he revealed himself. His figure, shrouded in a dark cloak, seemed to absorb the light itself. In a voice laden with authority and bitterness, he reminded them of the broken promises and missed opportunities that had led to his self-imposed exile.

I return not merely as a rival,” he declared, “but as a master who has surpassed his teachings and found the true path of summoning..

The leaders of Summoner’s Green listened in silence. They knew that confrontation was inevitable, but they also understood that there was truth in his words. The Wizard of Eastwood had reached a level of power that they could only aspire to, and their own methods and teachings must evolve to meet this new reality.

In the days that followed, the tournaments at Mount Mox became a battleground not only of magical skills, but of ideologies and philosophies. The clashes between the Wizard of Eastwood and the Wizards of the Forest were spectacular and tense, with each side displaying the best of their art. Rather than destroying each other, however, they began to influence each other. The young summoners, watching these battles, learned from both the raw power of the Wizard of Eastwood and the wisdom and control of the Wizards of the Forest.

Finally, in a final showdown that would be remembered for generations, the Wizard of Eastwood and the Grand Wizard of Summoner's Green faced off. The battle was intense, with spells lighting up the sky and magical creatures shaking the earth. In the end, neither emerged victorious. Instead, they found a newfound mutual respect and an understanding that their differences could strengthen, not divide, the summoners of their world.

Over time, the Wizard of Eastwood became a mentor in Summoner's Green, bringing his vast knowledge and experience to the next generation. The summoner school thrived, combining the best of both philosophies. Thus, the Wizard of Eastwood, once a recluse and rival, became a symbol of reconciliation and power, proving that even the deeper rivalries can transform into powerful alliances.

I hope you like this great story of "Wizard of Eastwood" as much as I do, see you soon.


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