IDEOLOGY: Is It Biblical?.....#Mcgicares Topic Reviews

Thanks so much #mcgicares for these wonderful
Series of teachings by Bro Seriano about the "IDEOLOGIES"_A philosophical system of beliefs and patterns of the word which is distinct from the ways of life of the believers, i get to understand that the power of God which must be the basis of our faith is not a system of beliefs invented by human, this is totally in contrast with the ideology or belief pattern of the worls

Bro Seriano truly expantiated more on these second series of a four episode teaching on the concept of Ideology and the believers path Way, which he puts it clear to us that the basis of our faith is the power of God, as the bible would out it, faith comes by hearing and by hearing of the word of God, that is how faith is built, then faith, hope and believe are all products of constant digesting lf Gods word in to your system, over time these intake of Gods word will build a system of belief in you which ia totally different from the thought pattern of the world.

1corin clearifies it more for us that our faith should not be based on the philosophical ideas of these world but should be based in the power of God, thats because what the world belief is contradicting to what we belief our ideologies are totally different its not the same thing, thats because while faith says its the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, to the ideologies of the world thats a lie, substance here is something tangible and also evidence are proofs of something but speaking faith according to the understanding of the world that is all false because they are not substantial

What Paul was simply saying here is what he preaches and teach is not based on the philosophical understanding of mans ideology, because they dont agree with ours, **The enticing word of mans wisdom there talks about the ideologies, thought patterns of these world, rather what he profers and teach is based on the power of Gods word.

Bro Seriano teaches more on the power of God which should be the strenght of the believer in speaking faith, these faith is in the gospel of our lord Jesus christ which was Jesus's primary assignment on earth to preach and teach the gospel that all may come to repentance turning away from adopting the ideologies of these world

The gospel is a collection of teachings by the lord jesus Christ meant for christains, it is a system of beliefs that encapsulate all, for the young the old the newly converted

A system of teachings that is practically meant for everyhuman person on earth, to a father, to a mother, to parent, to a young person, to the poor, the rich all humans will find fulfillment in the gospel Of our lord Jesus Christ


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