Amidst the storms of life, will I help my kids overcome or not?

Amidst all My numerous dreams, one of which I am spectacularly determined about is to be the best mom/parent my childreAmidn would ever wish for that's why most at times when I feel like giving up, boom i remember there is a generation to emerge from my inside. Also going through my dictionary at that point in time I noticed there is no word written like impossible or give up rather I found possibilities and never give up written there. Honestly, I think and know right that life would have been much more easier if my parent are in a better position and most of the things I struggled to get won't be much of a hassle at all.

You know this thing called privilege is two sided and what I mean by two sided is that some of the wealthy children make good use of their parents resources by investing in something productive which will eventually yield something even better and that is why we see most of this kids later don't have to depend on their parents money cause they were able to build their own empire by applying wisdom and making the most of the opportunities they had. But again some of this wealthy children miss uses the fortune they have into living a reckless style leaving their families in pains and that is why we see in the society a father stripes off their wards allowances and entitlement for them to learn life the hard way so they could come around one day after facing one or two challenges and over coming them.

Just like the rich, when it comes to the lower class it is also two sided. Some children from the lower class all the days of their lives kept apportioning blames to their own parents for not providing for them and ended up with nothing to show forth when they become older while others the hunger and poverty they went through became their biggest motivation not to give up and end up bearing children in poverty so no matter how hard it is to break the rock they kept on digging hard and even harder till they eventually found the precious stones they've been looking for.

With the illustration I gave above, you see it doesn't really matter whether a child is left to face obstacles themselves or not but what really matters is if that child would make good use and appreciates the fact i stepped in for them to overcome the storm. My desire is to see that I help my children overcome as many storms they might encounter in the journey of life if he or she won't take the privileged for granted like I have earlier said but then for the one who is ungrateful and think life is a fairytale where you command whatever you need and it comes just at a finger snap, refusing to have good scence I would allow them face and overcome storms on their own by so doing I know one way or the other they would surely see life from a different perspective becoming wiser after the challenges is over.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-132e2 Say No To Challenges. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace🕊️


The role of parents no doubt has a great role to play in moulding the outcome of children whether exposed to abundance or otherwise. Exposures like difficult upbringings have been a great motivation and resolve to dig deeper and try harder


The way a child is brought up determines their mentality when they become adults. I believe those rich kids who end up squandering their parent's money were given too much freedom to do whatever they wanted when they were younger and their parents probably made them too comfortable to the extent that they couldn't even fend for themselves


some of those kids are wise while others aren't cause there are still kids despite all the freedom, still ended up making their parents proud.


We can't stop challenges to come in our life or in our kids life, but yes we can't built their character in a shape like they will stand strong when hardships hit their life.


Indeed challenges are inevitable but as parents we can actually step in for our kids when we have the means to do so rather than let them face it all by their selves.
