A battle where you use 95% range attack.



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We started a new month of battles in this great theme of challenge brought by the hand of the Splinterlands team, in this huge and beautiful platform called Hive, which I love and I am putting a lot of effort to participate week by week in them and thus have a quality content to present Splinterlands to the world with my texts in battle.

For this week I have several quite difficult and entertaining battles, without any kind of advantages, this time we will use the splinter of death in a direct and quite interesting confrontation against the splinter of earth, magic against death, a quite unique battle.

My Battle Rules.



Reverse Speed: This rule reverses the battle in a great way, since Reverse Speed implies that the monsters with less speed are the ones that will attack first, in the same way they will have more opportunities to evade attacks, something that could confuse anyone who has not experienced this battle rule.

Prohibitions: For this battle we eliminated the water splinters, which has a very strong attack and defense, we also say goodbye to the dragon splinter which is combinable with another and you can make amazing combinations.

My Battle


We started this incredible battle looking for what would be the weaknesses of my opponent, it is worth mentioning first of all, that he knew how to play quite well with the rule of the battle, as this is quite limiting. As for looking for weaknesses, I mean to analyze the battle that he was playing, to anticipate what elements or strategies he could use to attack me and eliminate me.

This was playing water type cards, which is quite offensive with many melee attacks, so I could expect a fairly strong and resistant formation in battle that would cost me to eliminate, in order to stop that I consider using a summoner to reduce this aspect of the attack on the cards of my opponent, to make the battle a little softer for my cards.

As a first position, I chose to place a tank with good health points and own healing, to hold the confrontation as much as possible and thus take the battle to my field of play, which worked and at the same time not, as my opponent totally changed his strategy, using the splinter of land but focused on the magic attack, without leaving any kind of opening and looking for my health points, although in this particular my tank was quite effective.

As main attackers I opted for a totally ranged attack strategy, placing all my faith in the tank in first position and my trap card in second, to give them as much time as possible to my cards to execute their attacks and eliminate the enemy monsters one by one without leaving any opportunity to counter attack.

Battle Link

Victory Conditions

Mana: This is something totally essential in battle, knowing how to manage it and choose the cards for the confrontation is something fundamental, since we need to make a good choice to not waste it in cards that are not effective, I consider that in this I had good performance.

Prediction: Anticipating your opponent is something that can not be left aside, you need good analysis before the clashes in order to get a good performance in battle and thus shape against attacks.

Rules: The rules of battle are an aspect that must be taken into account when making decisions, since this directly affects the functioning of the cards and the terrain, therefore predicting them and stipulating strategies based on them is essential.


Zintar Mortalis
Our selected summoner for this occasion, one of the best in the field of melee, the commander of death with a pretty cool design which is not intimidated by anything, this leads my troops with iron fist and strong hand, it has an incredible ability, with this reduces by -1 point melee attack of all enemy cards of my opponent, thus reducing the attack of the same and increasing my chances of victory greatly, plus its cost is quite small, an excellent card as a summoner.

Haunted Spirit
My tank in first position chosen for this confrontation, a mass of dark energy frightening for the opponent, with the electric energy that runs through his body, this card attacks and defends with enormous ease, his ability is called Heal, with this ability this card heals once every turn and generates powerful attacks, his stats are brutal, since he has 2 points of melee attack and the same in speed, with 8 unts of life, this tank is one of the best of the death splinter without a doubt.

Furious Chicken
My powerful trap card in last position, a very powerful battle element which has a great weakness in battle, this furious chicken plays an extremely important role in this confrontation, since I expected a strategy focused on the attack in first position, this card that has no mana cost, serves as a sacrifice in the name of victory, with 1 point of speed and the same in life, this monster does not have any offensive aspect, its only utility is to serve as bait.

Dark Astronometrer
My starting monster for the attack, this card which does not have any kind of ability, is responsible for opening the formation to attack, with a very threatening design, this card attacks with its 2 points of attack at a distance, coupled with 1 point of speed with 4 points of life, making this card an offensive element and at the same time quite resistant, a card with a lot of utility.

Haunted Spider
A scary card to continue our formation of attackers, this is a very scary card of the death splinter, it has a great functionality both offensively and defensively, although it has no ability this is not an impediment to this great spider, like Dark Astrometer. This monster has a reduced mana cost, with 2 ranged attack points with the same in speed and 3 health points, this monster is perfect to attack against the enemy.

We reach the fourth position, one of the most important with one of the attackers that are fundamental to my attack, this praying mantis with a very voracious design is responsible for hitting their shots to the enemy monsters behind the tank in first position, with a fairly high stats, this card has a great firepower, his ability is Snipe and as mentioned, attacks the weakest monsters with its powerful 2 points of attack distance, with 5 points of life and also 2 in speed, this card is quite powerful.

Twisted Jester
To finish this great strategy, we have the harlequin of evil, a shooter of the shadows with a great aesthetic in my opinion, like Mantoid this has the ability Snipe, which will attack the monsters in last position, his stats are brutal, since it has 2 points of attack distance and 3 of speed, adding 5 points of life, which are quite powerful to do great damage to the enemy ranks.



We reached the end of another incredible Challenge, in which I will be varying the format week by week as far as possible, to make it more attractive than it is and bring a higher quality content, I think my strategy was pretty good and I could develop it to a great extent, grateful as always with the Splinterlands team at Hive. See you another time.

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