Thoughts for rental market change



Hello everyone!

As another season is coming to an end I wanted to draw attention to the rental market. As we all know the latest change about the season end was that the player will stay in the current league he resides instead of the highest attained during the season.

I have no complaints on that front as I find it fairer.

But the thing I wanted to talk about was rental cancellation.

Lots and lots of players at the end of the season are renting out gold foil cards to get to the league they want to. That's also the time when the rental costs for those cards explode.

I see no problems with that as well - if you do everything in the last second, then, of course, you'll pay more to get what is available. There are many renters though that still offer those cards at a reasonable price - just they move in seconds and are harder to spot.

But I see a problem with rental cancelation just before the season ends. This was already posted previously.

I myself mostly rent out the necessary cards around 3 days before the season ends at a nice price and I stick with them till it ends.

But if the renter decides to cancel them just before the season just to milk them for a higher price or any other reason then I don't see it as ok.

As the sole purpose for renting out the cards earlier was to rent smarter to lower the overall costs to get to the required league at the end of the season.

If that happens then the player basically pays for nothing as his goal is not achieved - part of his money is spent and on top of that, he drops to a lower league. After that, he again needs to rent card(s) to increase his power to gain enough for the required league and spend more money to get there.

So why not lock the rental cancelation around 3 or so days prior to the season's end? After it ends then the renter can cancel the rented card.

That way the player would be protected a bit more from unexpected surprises.

What are your thoughts on it? Should the rental cancellation receive some changes or should it stay like it is now?


This is the market - and any restriction of the market leads to degradation _ must remain as it is !!!
