


Happy Praetorian Dragons Week, everyone!😁

After showcasing Chaos Dragon and Djinn Chwala in the most recent Dragon-themed Share Your Battle's, this time around I have chosen to showcase a Monster which is part of the Dragon line-up, but again as in the case with the Djinn, is not an actual dragon. The being in question is Carnage Titan. The Carnage Titan is the most recent airdrop we got when we hit 8M pack sold, so it has not been in the game for very long. However, the moment it appeared in the meta, it did quite well and a lot of people enjoyed and still enjoy including it in their Dragon line-ups. Sometimes it is hard to make it work but whenever you do it is so amusing that it is really hard to forget.😎

Now before getting into the stats discussion of the Monster, let's have a sneak peak into its LORE.
I would normally quote it in the blog as well but this time it is really, really long, however, if you take a couple of minutes to read it on the site, it will be absolutely worth it, I promise.😁


Okay, now that we have a vague idea of what the Carnage Titan is, let us have a look at its stats and abilities at the key different levels.


  • It starts off with not one but with two of its signature abilities which make it the powerhouse it is - Reach and Double Stike. We are already well aware that Monsters with the Double Strike ability are already pretty meta-defining and when you pair that with the fact that it can attack from the second position thanks to Reach, you know that you have a true melee gem here. The fact that it also starts off with 7 armor and 8 life makes it also a great Tank.

  • At level 2 it gains it gains an additional +1 melee attack getting the total to 3. This is huge due to the fact that the attack of the monster basically goes from a total of 4 to 6.

  • At level 3 the Dragon wannabe Monster gains the Shield ability which reduces incoming melee and ranged (non-magical) attacks. This is the point where if you did not really think it is a good tanking Monster, you just cannot deny the fact any longer.

  • At level 4 which is the final level for the Titan, it gains one more attack brining its unbuffed total from 2x3 to 2x4. 2 additional attack is a pretty big deal for sure.


Now that we have gotten acquainted with the stats of the Monster and its abilities, let us have a look at the battle I have chosen to showcase.


  • The line-up of the Battle and the Ruleset:


So with the mana budget of 50, I could choose basically whichever tank I desired but since it was a dragon themed week I decided to get some more Dragon Splinter Monsters into the mix. Djinn Chwala is a favorite Monster of mine. You can read a lot more about it in my previous Dragon blog - HERE

The 2nd place in the line-up of course went to this week's protagonist - the Carnage Titan. After reading about the abilities of the Monster it is pretty self-explanatory why I put it in the 2nd spot so I don't think I need to repeat that again.

The 3rd place went to the Venari Wavesmith. I felt it would be nice to get some more armor in play on my side as the one of the Rule Sets is Weak Magic, meaning that the enemy Magic Attackers need to go through the Armor first before they start reducing my Monsters' health. It is also partially the reason why I decided to compliment the Dragon Splinter with Water Splinter recruits.

Merdaali Guardian was in 4th spot. My reasoning behind is that when you have the Equalizer Rule Set, you really need to have at least one healer if the mana budget allows it. Winning in these matches takes a lot of damage and a lot of healing. I got her in the 4th spot to be the last protector of my 5th Monster and survived a bit longer healing itself while the fifth spot Monster hopefully finished off the enemies.

The fifth position was for another card I put a lot of faith in, namely the Axemaster. I really like this card and more or less include it in my line-up every time I choose to play the Water Splinter (if the mana threshold allows it) or with the Dragon Splinter as in the current case. It a really, really good damage dealer with its Double Strike. So when paired with the Carnage Titan I expect to see total devastation.😁

In the last spot for this line-up came the Wave Brood. I used it in the last spot for the sole reason of splitting up a bit the enemy's DPS (Taunt ability) so it is not focused only on my tank and off-tank Monsters. In Equalizer matches you really need to focus your fire on one and the same target so you get it down as fast as possible.

It is time for a quick round by round analysis:

  • I chose to go with my Dragon Splinter Summoner of choice - Quix. That's mostly due to the fact that it is the only Dragon Summoner I possess 😁 but even it that was not the case Quix is a very potent Summoner with its 2 debuffs: -1 enemy speed and -1 ranged attack damage (non-magic). On the other hand my opponent decided to go with the Earth Splinter, and sported a level 1 Obsidian. Let us see how this played out.


  • After 1 round all Monsters on both sides are still accounted for. The opponent had a slight lead on my Taunt Monster compared to theirs but I definitely made progress on their tank.


  • At the start of round 3 I seemed to have a slight advantage but it could not be told for certain what the outcome of the battle would be at all. The Healers on both sides were doing work for sure. It has to be noted that my healer has a bit more speed than theirs so this could play a significant role as well.


  • At the start of round 4 there seemed to be a bit of a stalemate which had to be resolved.


  • Start of round 5 I had finally managed to take down their Unicorn, however, little did I know what would follow next.


  • Round 6 what seemed to be a battle going in my favor quickly turned in another directly due to the crazy amount of dodges the enemy flying unit performed but hey.. that was its job after all.


  • At the start of Round 7 my Chwala was finally lost and the situation was rather dire unless I picked up my hitting game.


  • Round 8 not looking good as well. My Carnage Titan was behind in health compared to the previous round while its Monster in the tanking spot was still at full health.


  • Round 9 beginning - it still seemed the scales were tilting more and more in my opponet's direction. After all while I was missing like crazy, their mostly magic attacks hit without an exception (as expect from magic attacks).


  • Round 10 - I managed to land a few more blows onto the enemy flyer, however, my Carnage Titan was not looking in a good shape at all.


  • As we can see by the beginning of Round 11, Round 10 was the pivotal one. My healer managed to keep my Carnage Titan up and this time the World Misses Champion did not miss my blows and went to do the bidding of the Death Splinter.😎


  • From this point on I just breezed through the rest of my enemy's line-up.


  • Not an easy victory at all but our very own Carnage Titan somehow managed to pull it through. A really tough son of a... Praetorian mad scientist.🤣



The Carnage Titan might not be a real, real dragon but it is still a formidable warrior part of the Dragon faction. It is the perfect fighter for those higher mana battles where you feel like playing Quix or some other dragon summoner and you have the mana to afford all the bells and whistles which come with the Dragon Splinter 😄. Breathing fire onto your enemies is fun but nothing compares to a good ol' fist fight.😁

GhostlyBG, over and out


You can check out some other stuff from my recent Splinterlands blogging venture:

