The People's Guild Challenge: The First Praetorian Bounty




Ever since @thepeoplesguild posted their first exciting weekly challenge to find where the notorious villain YabaPMatt is hiding and bring him to justice or more like bring justice to him, I have been searching all over Praetoria and finally I have managed to find him. You can see him here on the right. He had taken the shape of Lorkus (so an obvious shapeshifter) but he could not fool me. I saw his nametag which said "YABAPMATT THE BURNINATOR" and that gave him straight away. He reached for his portable speaking device to try to call back-up from his Crypto Friend Forever gang but it turned out that he had no Crypto Friends left as the Bear Market had been raging across Praetoria forever!

Now that we know how we managed to catch this infamous person, let's check out the battle I had to have with him in order to subdue him and take him into custody.


  • The line-up of the Battle and the Ruleset:

The ruleset for this battle is Earthquake (All non-flying units take 2 physical damage at the end of every turn), Wands Out (Only units with magic attacks may be used) and What Doesn't Kill You (All units gain the Enrage ability which multiplies their speed and melee attack by 1.5x rounded up). The mana budget is 25 which is rather low so I will have to go with either low-mana Monsters or a couple of bigger ones. The available elements are Fire, Life, Death and Dragon. I've decided to go with the Dragon Element.



The main tank spot for this battle goes to the Void Dragon. It's perfect for the occasion as it has Flying (Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the flying ability), Void (Reduced damage from Magic attacks by 50%) and Phase (Magic attacks can miss this Unit (using the same hit/miss calculation as Melee and Ranged attacks)). Remember that all units also get Enrage so its Speed is going to increase by a fair bit making it even harder to be hit. It also has 9 Health which is fairly good amount of Health for a unit attempting to tank.



2nd in the line-up is one of the newer Dragons which have been discovered in Praetoria during the Rebellion era - the Redwyrm Dragon. It has Flying, Immunity (This Unit is immune to negative status effects) and Stun (When a Unit with stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn) and it also has a very good amount of Health in addition to 6 Speed. Imagine if it also had Phase with that kind of Speed and Enrage (wink, wink)



The 3rd spot is for Adelade Brightwing. This is another unit I basically constantly use due to its ability to Repair (restores some armor to the friendly unit whose armor has taken the most damage) armor , paired with its ability to Resurrect (when a friendly unit dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle a fallen ally (once per battle)), which is also huge if the right friendly Monster gets to be revived. It also has Flying (this unit has an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from units who do not have the flying ability) which is also really helpful. And lastly it also have Swiftness (all friendly units have increased speed) at level 4 which could be very important or detrimental depending on the rulesets.

It is time for a quick round by round analysis:

  • The Summoner I have chosen, as you have already figured out, is Sthispa. She provides Phase to all my units and even though my Void Dragon already has it, it could be really important for the Redwyrm Dragon. The outlaw has decided to shapeshift into Lorkus, as we've already discussed, and he's chosen to go with two units with Magic Reflect (When hit with a Magic damage, does half the Magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker). Let's see how this goes.


  • After 1 round of exchanging blows, I have managed to eat through the armor and some of the health of the enemy Djinn Muirat. My units are still enjoying a pretty good amount of overall health.


  • Round 3 begins and I have taken down the enemy Djinn Muirat. All that's left for my units to finish off the remainder of the enemy line-up.



So, here's Yaba chillin' behind the rusty bars of my Mage Wagon. Hurry up and come pick him before he attempts to escape.

Over and Out,


Yaba has been caught! Excellent, GBG! Thank you for participating dude. Looking forward to seeing all of the submissions stream in over the next few days.

Yaba is down 0-2 on the bounty at the moment :)

Fun stuff.


Nice one! like to see the challenges....


Nice battle! It clearly exhibits Stispha's potential on magic only ruleset.
