RE: Splinterlands: My Pragmatic Perspective


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First of all, it’s great it made people care. Second of all, let’s keep that caring (or discussion) fair ;)

I do play it. Actually, I’ve been playing it for a while, it’s quite a good time killer in the metro, when I wait for a bus or plane or so. I’d never played it if it was not on Hive, though.

In my point of view (and I’d be happy to be proven wrong), hardly anyone would play it with no financial incentive - that’s what I stated in the post anyway. And then it cannot be a good game. I play games to have fun. I work to earn (well, i genuinely enjoy my job, but that’s another story).

Sadly, this opinion is backed by the graph in my posts. It was mainly bot traffic until recently. So yes, smoke and mirrors. And a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


It is possible to market a game to people, and it is possible those new entrants could bring value and stability to the entire Hive operation thingamajig.

How awkward of a situation to be in though. All that good vibes and hype was sold to this populace the entire time. And only now, it's time to get started and take things seriously?

As I battle through this, trying to figure things out, the last thing I want to do is insult anyone. Maybe I sound a little "unfair" but I'm not coming from that angle and attacking. And I can't say I've been misled because I didn't put myself in the position to be misled, so therefore there's no hard feelings.

Growing up, none of this existed. It's new and the only way to get an education is to learn on the fly, as things progress. Can bring the basics to the table but majority must be studied in the moment, on the go.

Studying people and how they interact and react with something new is another step one must take while gathering intelligence. Bring the basics to the table there as well.

I think you and I both know "The Card Game" is a proven successful business model. And "collectables" can hold value.

But you can't just make a clone and force it to happen. Things like "renting" cards never made sense. You'd never let someone touch your cards. Get it back, it's creased and loses value. Rarity and scarcity. You want to own something people want but can't have. As the brand grows, and more people get in, the value of what you own rises. From observing from a distance, it seems like they created new cards in a way that could only make previous cards useless. Yet the "market" says those cards still hold value. That value doesn't come from people wanting to buy them. It's just there?

That never made sense to me. Looked more like "planned obsolescence," which is also a fancy way to make money, but not when consumers want to collect and hold something of value. Very few collect burnt out light bulbs and there's not much demand for those.

Again, I'm on the outside. I have not taken a deep dive. It just never looked like water I wanted to swim in.

I love games. More than crypto. Maybe that's why. Games are fun. Crypto makes people think of the fun they'll be having, after, when it's time. More like a fun dream. Even a nightmare can be exciting. Eventually, people wake up.

*edit: pardon my edits. Several typos. In a rush, didn't proofread until after for some dumb reason.


I too have no intention to offend, nor to insult or use fallacies for arguments. It's not my style anyways.

The thing with collectables is that you don't depend on their origin, be it nature (minerals, butterflies,..), men kind of by accident (coasters, stamps,...), or businesses (various card collectables, Lego,...). If Lego, the card issuer, or a brewery printing your favorite coasters go under, people can still collect, exchange, or even trade the items. If Splinterlands go under, there's a useless random hash that identify cards. So technically, everybody rents the content, owing strings like this: C7-399-8HFLH25URK. It is, by the way, a card of mine. Do you want it?

I hope there would be entertaining games on Hive, the blockchain is more suitable for this purpose than any other. @simplegame is developing a bunch of them, check out what he's doing. Holozing could be a huge one too if the promises are ever fulfilled.

I see a huge potential in some kind of a Pokémon-like game, although I've never played it. Some kind of enhanced/augmented reality which combines your physical location and activities with game environment. A bit like next generation Geocaching.

I love games and creativity too by the way :)


I have looked into what @simplegame is up to. He's probably going to be really mad I tagged him lol.

I hope they do well.

I hope my efforts contribute. Constantly creating awareness everywhere I go, trying to encourage people to see the opportunities available here for the average consumer of the internet. Damn that's exhausting...

Been getting nowhere since 2016.

In early 2017 I created some art and wrote a post called The Blood Dragon Card. There I described my plans to create a card game, revealing the first card. The whole idea was still somewhat unfinished. Card was just a prototype. Then I quietly got to work creating some of the art meant to be cards, eventually. I'd include the art in some of my posts, but talk about other things, or write fiction, funnies, shitposts. Never letting anyone know my plans.

I scrapped the project, for several reasons. Some of my earliest work was garbage compared to what I can pull off today. Even though the images appearing to be a bit rough around the edges was meant to be part of the lore, I realized I could do better and thought that would be more appealing.

So then I started creating far more detailed faces, again, meant to be part of this project. Did the same thing where I'd release it but this time maybe include some lore but not always. Never telling anyone my plans.

So there I am building up this pile of money. Thinking I could use that to pay some people to help build the actual game.

Well. Things didn't work out. Then AI popped up and I become so demotivated that I gave up. What took me years to achieve, I could now do in ten minutes. Devalued digital art. And if anyone wanted my style for their product, it would be too costly. So, yeah. Kinda screwed.

Never did the NFT thing myself because, yeah, you're right. I could have taken the collectible approach without a game. But once I saw people spending thousands on pixelated mass produced junk, I knew I'd be ripping myself off if I charged less and knew people wouldn't pay if I charged more. So that business went out the window.

Now I'm just, here. lol


I guess you could rename yourself to @NoPathLeftToTake ;))


lol just some random OG standing on the side of the road watching the cars go by. Yelling at clouds.

Whatever. I still had fun.


I'm looking forward to getting old enough to yell at clouds the right way ;)
