The Shields Are Down, Captain!


Once you hear such a catchphrase in Star Trek, you know that something extraordinary is about to happen. And that the good guys would eventually win so the Trekkies can keep watching their adventures until the producers finally decide to cut the funding. Unlike sci-fi series, we're dealing with a different kind of adventure here in Splinterlands, where monsters might lose their armor in the blink of an eye. That is the essence of the Unprotected ruleset that deserves its own spotlight in the Battle Mage Secrets challenge.

The Unprotected ruleset renders many monsters and summoners ineffective. Yet, certain cards can turn the tide in your favor. Lorna Shine, for instance, is a summoner worth noting. For a mere three mana points, she buffs your monsters with Holy Protection, which could serve them even better than if they were in full armor. If it was a high mana cap game, I would go with another summoner, but in this game, she was the one.

Expecting no magic strikers in my opponent's deck, I placed Pelacor Conjurer as my tank. With 5 HP, impressive speed, Flying, and Holy Protection, this two-mana card proved surprisingly durable, lasting for two rounds.

By saving mana on both summoner and tank, I could spend ten points on Corsair Bosun, my Reaching damage dealer. His Reflection Shield became a key asset, blocking all Blast attacks, hence securing my victory.

As the battle progressed, my initial tank met its demise, and Corsair Bosun took the frontline. Venari Marksrat absorbed Blast damage, fulfilling its destiny by buffing adjacent monsters.

Dumacke Exile was one of them. With his armor on, he is a pretty nasty sneaker. And he got his share of blood in this one, eliminating Halfling Alchemist before he could cause any harm with his Halving ability.

Soul Fiend, though not actively involved, served as a rear tank, ready to block sneaking attacks if necessary.

Healers or self-healing monsters are extremely useful when monsters are stripped of their armor. Doctor Blight does not cure anybody. Quite the opposite, he makes them unhealable. And that is why I needed him to join my side.


The Battle

Now, let's talk about the battle itself. My opponent had drafted a well-balanced deck led by the fearful Yodin Zaku. I hate facing Yodin Zaku, except when I deploy an anti-ranged set with Lir Deepswimmer in the lead. Their tank and strikers showcased reasonable speed and high offensive potential.


However, their decision to choose one of the most expensive summoners in the realm left them with a limited budget for monsters. Even when buffed, they had less total HP than mine. Exploiting this weakness, coupled with the advantage of Holy Protection and my first two defensive monsters, allowed me to eliminate their entire pack in five rounds, losing only two cards in the battle. One was Venari Marksrat, who intended for a sacrifice.


See the full battle

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It's only a matter of time until the endgame is coming and now we'll see if people's interest will return.


Budíš přesvědčivý dojem úžasného prožitku ze hry... Ještě pořád děláš něco kolem reklamy?


Ne, baví mě o tom psát. Prostě si sednu a hodím na virtuální papír, co se mi zrovna honilo k danému tématu hlavou. Trocha slovních hříček a tak. A pak je z toho patnáct až dvacet dolarů, respektive půlka. Sem ještě silné hlasy nepřišly, sem a sem už ano. Přijde mi to lepší, než ten čas věnovat !tokenům ;)


Když už jsme u toho, co znamená emotikon ;) ? Už ho dneska vidím podruhé. Při psaní v angličtině na slovní hříčky nemám. Píšu přes překladač v Basic English. A ta hra mě fantasticky nebaví...

Nicméně kdybych nutně potřeboval peníze, věřím, že bych si přes Hive na deset dolarů denně dokázal přijít, kdybych tomu dal 8 hodin denně. Časem i víc... Dělal jsem teď nějaké ověřovací články přes sebe i přes své alter ego.

A ty faucety a tokeny... To je jen taková libůstka. Něco z ničeho. Já vím, že to stojí neadekvátně času.


Je to takové virtuální mrknutí.

Kdybys potřeboval peníze, dolar a čtvrt za hodinu práce by tě rozhodně nevytrhl. A kdybys je potřeboval opravdu zoufale, třeba kvůli exekucím a vyděračům s nevybíravými způsoby na krku, napůl na černo bys otročil v nějaké mizerně placené práci šestnáct hodin denně, takže bys na Hive neměl čas.


Jsem v takové zvláštní situaci, kdy nevím, co je pro mě nejlepší, když mnoho cest vypadá jako rovnocenně dobrých... Budu se muset do června rozhodnout, co dál.


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