Fanart of "Merdhampir"


Mistakes is part of our life, to improve your skills it's very important to walk through the bridge of unsatisfaction in you art.

Every time i do digital art i feel like this needs alot more to meet perfection. And I'm practicing it, not daily but mostly i practice it.

Since the day i have started doing arts in ibis i have Learned alot of new things and new experiences even if my project is not totally satisfying but atleast I'm walking through the bridge where i know a level of perfection is waiting for me.

Today i have decided to make sea creature of blue color. I mostly watch videos related to semi realistic digital arts, recently when i was checking videos about digital arts i got to know that handling blue color or any color other then our original body color is hard to handle.

Even thought my skills in digital arts is not so good but still i have decided to make something challenging.

So let's move towards procedure,

I had a image in my mind of boy with vampire like teeth, long ears and blue appearance. I made a rough sketch of Features i wanted on my character.

After getting a sketch i started working on hairs of the character, well i rarely made man's hairs so it was little challenging but still i made something that was looking like hairs😂

After completing hairs i have started working on face where i made yellowish eyes just as the original character and also vampire teeth.

Now the only thing left was ears which i have made twice but still remained unsatisfied with the results.

Result of my first try is here👇

After giving it first try i moved towards shading other ear and background part.

And at last i have changed the ear i made before, because it was looking so messy.
It was still not so perfect but atleast better than before.

Here's the final result 👇

Here's the image of original character taken from splinterlands website.

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon bye bye😁


This is a pretty cool rendition, looks like bat boy lol! good luck in the contest!


Hehehe thanks alot for your admiration... this means alot 😁
