The Moment Of Wrong Choice in Splinterlands


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Happy weekend to all splinterlands warriors and everyone in the hive ecosystem. It is a wonderful weekend to you all. How are you doing?
In this episode of my splinterlands social medial challenge, I’m going to talk about the moment of wrong choice in splinterlands. This is because mistakes are inevitable. We have made the wrong choice of cards due to some reasons; I have made several wrong choices while selecting cards to fight in splinterlands, and I’m here to talk about what led me to the wrong choices.

Before I proceed, I would like to thank @bdvoter for helping me. I have seen the difference between when I was curated by @bdvoter, and when I was not curated by them. I will continue to say thank you for helping.

Choice is when you are given opportunities to choose between two or more. When such choices come to us, we try to choose the best; in the process of choosing the best, we make mistakes by play the wrong choice. It happens to me in splinterlands. There were times I selected the best monsters for battles, but when the battles were set, I saw different monsters in my lineup.
Just like today, I was given an equal opportunity today in a battle, I was left with 30 seconds to decide what monsters to use. Instead of placing Fungus Flinger in-between Regal Peryton and Earth elemental, I placed Fungus Flinger as the last monster in the battle, that was how I lost the battle. If Fungus Flinger was in-between the Regal Peryton and Earth Elemental, I would have won the battle. Therefore, a wrong choice can make a skillful warrior of level one summoner defeat a player of level 4 summoner with wrong arrangement.

The wrong choice can also lead to defeat, just like a battle that I played a few days ago: my opponent used a level 7 summoner against me. Of course, you know how strong is level 7 of summoner against level 4, just because of wrong choices of monsters, I defeated him. If he didn’t make the wrong choice, there was no way I could have won the battle, because he was too big against me.

The following below led to my wrong choices of monsters and summoner which have led to my defeat:
At times, it is not easy to make a decision of the summoner and summoner to use in a particular battle. For instance, there were several times I made a wrong choice of selecting melee monsters with sneak and opportunity abilities when fog of war was given in battles. After the battles were set, I began wondering how I selected those monsters when I knew the monsters could not attack in any position except first position. I realized sometimes: I spent my time searching for monsters which ended up selecting the monsters I was not supposed to use.
Yesterday, it happened to me that I kept on searching for monsters to use until I was left with 10 seconds to make my choice. I submitted the battle like that! I know I’m not the only person that has happened to.
This is the reason we must use our time judiciously; if we make use of our time, this kind of mistake can be prevented.

There were times I was disrupted by network error! Network could be the reason one lost a battle.
Last week when I was selecting monsters to use in a battle, there was a network problem which I could not submit to my battle. By the time I submitted my battle, it was just rolling until the result of the battle came out. That was how I lost the battle due to a network error.
Correcting this type of error is not easy because the error does not come from you.
Multi-tasking could be one of the biggest reasons one can make the wrong choice while selecting monsters and summoners. Opening different tabs at the same time could result in the wrong choice. Imagine one playing splinterlands, blogging and other things at the same time. There was a day I opened a tab while I was playing splinterlands: I was carried away by the comment of a writer to my post, I decided to reply to the writer’s comment forgetting to arrange my monsters. By the time I finished replying to the comment, the time to arrange my monsters was exceeded; that was how I lost the battle. This is when I learned that while playing splinterlands battles, one needs to concentrate.
Even though you are multitasking yourself, you should also play greater attention to splinterlands. It is not bad to multitask yourself, you just have to learn how you can manage everything.

Imagine watching funny memes on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and X while playing splinterlands. Those memes could distract someone from the game. I have been distracted several times and I have learned my lesson.

This is very common to the majority of players in splinterlands! After we saw our opponent lineup, we said “why don’t I use this card in this position?” Each time I discover that I could not win the battle, and if I used particular monsters I would have won, what usually came out of my mouth is ‘why don’t I use the monster’.
Sometimes, the monsters might be among the monsters for the battles but we failed to use it in the best position that could give us victory. After we lost the battle, we said, ‘why don’t I use this monster in this position?’.

It has happened to me very well! But it is not our battle because we don’t know how capable our opponent is, and what type of monsters the opponent is using. If we knew the monsters our opponent is using, we would have used monsters that would defeat him/her. The battle would have seemed very easy to use to predict.
I remember those times when the collection power of your opponent is shown, by the collection power, I know the players that would be difficult for me to defeat. I knew if the collection power is more than 500,000CP, I knew it would be very difficult for me to win because my collection power is not up to that.
Right now, the situation is not like that, things have changed.

In conclusion, a player needs to manage his or her time well, avoid distraction and use the best cards in the best positions. The higher you go, the tougher it becomes, in order word, a player should use the best summoners and monsters for battles. This is because you don't know what your opponent is using against you.

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I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
