RE: Does Splinterlands have mainstream appeal?


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If I was to guess Splinterlands is a bid to make a game like Hearthstone/Magic the Gathering and turn it to a blockchain game. In the future they are looking to add land, resources, keeps and a map to flesh out the world of Splinterlands. They have also mentioned trying to do a Player vs Environment where you can have a summoner travel teh lands doing battles for rewards. Add in books, comics and more and the Splinterlands team does have a lot they want to accomplish.

Then add in the competitive aspect with their goal to bring in competitive gaming teams and big prizes.

Will it ever be commonly known? Honestly I doubt it, but if it does that will be really cool and I'm certainly hoping for it :)


Nice! I knew about some of that but definitely not that they were going to be fleshing it out that much. This is still early days for sure then, I can't wait to see how all that's going to be implemented. Player vs Environment would be really cool as it would attract people who aren't as interested in the competitive aspect too.
