How to win a physical Angel of Light card thanks to holoz0r



After spending 40 days and 40 nights wandering around the desolate realms of being a wannabe Twitch Streamer, it appears that my community of viewers have wasted enough of their lives watching me lose many games at Splinterlands.

It isn't all bad, however, as I believe we've made some friends along the way, and that's exactly what it is all about, correct?

In any case, many years prior to those forty days and forty nights spent sweltering away hunched over a glowing, warm keyboard, I was involved with the alpha of Splinterlands, which was once upon a time known as Steemmonsters.

During those days past, the promo team for the game sent us poor, burning hunks of flesh here in Australia some promotional material - this involved T-Shirts and also some physical promotional cards.

I have some of those cards left over. I have one of those to give away to reward all those who have loyally and penitently toiled their lives away at the subject to the repeated blows of my humor.

So how do I get this dang thing?

First, you need to join me on a stream. Any stream. If I haven't seen your name in chat, or you're a new follower on the day of the stream for the give away, you won't be eligible. The goal here is reward those who have followed me along this journey so far.

Anyone who follows fresh on the day... won't win. You've been warned. There'll be no tears about this - I can't tolerate that sort of stuff.

Facts about the card

  • This promotional card is made of real cardboard
  • It was possibly once a tree
  • The promotional code on your card will not work, but you have something real
  • If Australia post can't send to your destination, (we'll check on live stream) - your prize will be reassigned to another winner, sorry


  1. Observe the countdown timer on this post on peakd - that's when the stream will occur. If you prefer to muddle about with clocks and timezone conversions, the stream for this give away will most likely occur on December 4, 2021, at 7:00AM +1030 UTC (Adelaide, Australia time), and probably last three hours. There'll be a Twitch Scheduled stream as well.
  2. You must be a follower on my Twitch channel, prior to the day in order to be eligible to win
  3. You must be present when the draw occurs...
  4. You have to obviously feel comfortable with trusting a complete stranger on the Internet with your postal address
  5. If it gets lost in the post .... well there's no refunds for your time.


I hope to see you all there!

If you haven't started playing Splinterlands, you should do that immediately. It's very good fun.

If you want to see my Splinterlands antics and rants live, Find me on Twitch

If you prefer sleeping in your designated time zone, go watch replays on YouTube.

2157.679 SPT


I'll definitly be there if it isn't the middle of the night in my timezone ;)
This card is really legendary !

0.020 SPT

It should be about the same time as today's stream, so you should be all good!

0.019 SPT

I can already see these being banned in schools! :)

Posted using Dapplr

0.000 SPT

I will put it in my calendar for this !

0.019 SPT

Will be good to see you there! Sorry for ruining your sleep!

0.000 SPT

This is great! I have a physical card that Aggroed gave me a couple three years ago. It is a Chromatic Dragon! I also got a T-shirt. I still have the t-shirt, but my fat arse do't fit in it anymore. 😀

Appreciate you very much as, I am sure, the entire GANG does.

3.534 SPT

Oh fuck . Add cheap scratcher nfts or nfc paper and u can have some sort of nft backed new blockchain pokemon game that teaches kids math and markets

Posted using Dapplr

0.000 SPT

Way above my paygrade, but this was just a standard promotional card that the team sent to us down here in australia in the early days of Splinterlands.

We took many dozens to local card stores, and and board-gamey places.

0.020 SPT

Wow nice giveaway. Hope to win it love this card.

0.000 SPT

Everyone's got a chance! Hope you can make the stream on the 4th of December!

53.069 SPT

This is an awesome giveaway HolozOr! Blast from the past physical card, way too cool brotha. You should show off your collection of them too hehe I'll bet the people in the community would love to see those 😄 Also thank you so much for the raid the other day I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. 💛

upvoted by gameboyali.png

0.000 SPT

There's a few... the others will be given away in time as well - they're making my bookshelf sag. :D

I'm all in it for making other people happy.

35.577 SPT

hahahaha they pack a heavy punch! 🤣 love it

0.000 SPT

Cool giveaway and good luck on your journey in Streaming! I am sure we will be together for a long long time, cheers to more moments in twitch!

P.S. I love to win that card haha

You have been upvoted by ivarbj0rn (1).gif

0.000 SPT

Awesome giveaway! As always, I will be there :D

0.000 SPT

Look forward to seeing you there!

35.843 SPT

I kind of had a knee-jerk reaction about "who the hell cries about a giveaway seriously" but then I thought about people XD

I have previously vaguely thought about the possibilities of nfts having physical components like for card games, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to make that work. Perhaps bigger brains will come up with something if that's a thing that turns out to be a thing.

the coffee has not kicked in yet

0.000 SPT

Coffee? What's that?

0.000 SPT

Some highly addictive stimulant. "Just say no" XD

35.612 SPT

Beard hairs not included??? I'm out!

0.000 SPT

Your loss, one might make it in my accident.

0.000 SPT

That's really neat!!! The card looks so cool!

0.000 SPT

Thank you, hoping its a big stream!

0.000 SPT