Anyone else feels really addicted in playing Splinterlands? Coz I am.


It's been 3 days since I stumbled upon this game. At first, I was never a fan of card games but I played some of them in the past like Yu-Gi-Oh. However, it felt like Splinterlands is a lot different because you really can't do anything once you submit your cards for battle. That's probably the best part of it, no one knows what other players will use, especially if they are versatile on playing different elements.

How addicting it is the question, I never had any idea on how ECR (If you would like higher rewards, it'd be best to keep your ECR at 75% to 100%) works when I first played this game. I actually hit lower than 3% because of playing non-stop and didn't know what I was doing.

This is probably my top favorite NFT game so far in my crypto journey. Hoping the very best for the team and the community are full of helpful people and willingness to help with newbies like me. Won't be surprised if it booms even more!
