
Walk Into the Flames

"And as the final offering I submit as sacrifice, a god's ashes." With that, he stepped forward, a scream forced from his throat, as unimaginable pain flooded into his mind. He fell to his knees as the flame engulfed him. His skin boiled and the meat sloughed from his bones. The beast laughed maniacally, stones tumbling from distant places as the chamber shook violently. His sinews smoked and his bones cracked from the heat. Far away he could hear his own screams until smoke and flame emptied his lungs of breath.  —From The Offering, an entry in the Tome of CHAOS
Collection: Chaos Legion
Total Edition(s): 50
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hurricanelye splinterlands 5 Private
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@hurricanelye bought edition #5 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman listed edition #4 for sale for 21000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@druidsblood bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #20 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #19 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #18 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #17 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #16 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #15 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #14 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #13 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #12 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #11 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #10 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #9 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #8 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #7 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #6 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #5 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #4 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #3 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #2 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands listed edition #1 for sale for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands tokenized 50 editions
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