
All of you would have most likely seem this card in one of your games at one point and probably own one right now.

As the price increases and you haven't already this is you calling to buy it while you still can.

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I find so many people in all ranks of bronze misusing this card so I want to talk to you about how you should use and when you shouldn't use Venari Wavesmith in your games.

When / How you should use Venari Wavesmith

  • It is always vital to scout your opponents before hand. If your opponent like to play fire, light, dark, dragon it will complete run over the opponents.
  • Play when Nature is ban, Natural is one of the best counter to this card in the summoner spellbook.
  • Use this card occasionally (2 in your past 5 games) , Do not spam this card, I find a lot of beginner spamming this card and it is easily counter.
  • Match it with other small costing mage cards + Alric Stormbringer (below) Screenshot 20211019 181914.png
  • Ruleset that it does well in: Equaliser, Target Practices, Super Sneak

When / How you shouldn't play Venari Wavesmith

  • Don't play repetitively
  • If he plays
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  • If the Ruleset is: Noxious Fumes, Back to basic, Earthquake, Weak Magic, Unprotected,
  • If they have a strong monster with Void (Reduced damage from Magic attacks. Same effects as shield but for magic damage.)

After all, as bot farming becoming worst, the rate of card produce would reduce and drive up the price:


Check my latest and to see how you can win some free DEC to run this card / or the Chwala as a trial!

Thanks for reading and have a good day!

431.954 SPT


I have seen wavesmith win my bonesmith most times in battle. Seems like am going to get it for better performance. Thanka for the info.

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0.000 SPT