Recommended Lineup: Silver I - Gold III


I find this combo very effective for Silver I League. 90% of the time you'll win on high mana battle. For Low mana, you can play with Chwala or Flesh Golem(if available).
I was also able to go above 2000 rating with this lineup. You just need additional power to unlock Gold League.
It costs me around 480 DEC rental fee.

Will you think, this is effective to you?


Hi Imril, you have some very good card choices. I have the same problem as you, and that's lack of power. We will get there, every daily brings us closer!


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For me, it's way too much. In silver, you don't need legendary and you don't even need card above LVL1.

I'm in 1800+ SILVER and i spend less than 22 DEC a day to sit at SILVER III. If i want to be in SILVER I, i will probably rent just for power and it will cost ~150 DEC in total.

A lot of usefull card cost less than 1 DEC/DAY (Creeping ooze, Goblin mech, Nectar queen, Sea monster, Sand worm, Venari Wavesmith, Djinn Renova, ...). You can rent for less than 10 DEC/Day of useful cards and the rest in power.

For power, check peakmonsters and try to rent card over 500CP/DEC.


Wow, that's very efficient way to grind DEC. My problem in sitting at Silver 1 is lack of power that's why i maximized rentals by renting powerful cards at thesame time will give me much power rating. There are high bcx cards I rented but I know i cant fully maximize due to summoner level. (ex. Frost Giant level4, 48DEC rent with 17K power rating).
Do you have some recommended lineups in S1 or S3 that I can try to play with?


The cards I mentioned above are more or less the only ones that I rent.

Some useful cards (less 1DEC/DAY/CARD):

Neutral: Creeping ooze, Goblin mech, Sand worm
Green: Nectar queen
Blue: Sea monster, Venari Wavesmith
White: Djinn Renova, Lorna Shine, Baby Unicorn
Red: Fineas Rage, Lava Launcher
Black: Owster Rotwell
Dragon: Djinn Chwala

I don't play Dragon/Green if i can.

The more important is to play the rule and counter the opponent. For exemple, Owster Rotwell can win a game by himself if you know the opponent will play magic.

After that i only rent for power, it can be long the first time to check for cost effective cards but after that just don't forget to renew the rent.


Great! Thanks. Saw your lineup in peakmonster as well.
