My Glint Strategy



My Glint Strategy

Hey hey hey!

Here we go again for another Community Engagement Challenge! For this post, we will dive in on how to spend your GLINTs and I will share how I am spending mine. The objective of this post is to guide new players into managing GLINTs and reaping the most meaningful rewards. Without any further ado, lets go!




April 2, 2024 - Splinterlands reworked the rewards and introduced a new token called GLINT and the GLINT Shop. For every ranked battle win, players will be rewarded with GLINTs and SPS. GLINTs can be spent in the GLINT shop for Rarity Draws, Loot Chests, Exclusive Titles and Resources.

Rarity Draws


Rarity Draws allow players to get a random card based on its rarity - Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. The costs are 150 GLINTs for Common, 750 GLINTs for Rare, 7500 GLINTs for Epic and 35000 GLINTs for Legendary. These prices only apply to the first batch of cards. Prices will increase for every batch of cards drawn per rarity. For Common, 400 cards can be drawn per batch, 100 for Rare, 25 for Epic and 10 for Legendary. The gold foil chance for each draw is only 2%.

Loot Chests


Loot Chests allow players to get random resources or cards per chest. The resources vary from potions, merits and energy. There is also a chance to get Jackpot Prizes - land, beta packs, legendary card and titles. Below are the chances and drop rates:

Exclusive Titles


Titles are exclusive items in the GLINT Shop. They are transferrable and can be sold in the Non-Card Market. Titles can be staked on Land.



Resources allow players to spend GLINTs on Merits, Energy, Legendary Potions and Alchemy Potions. Merits are used to buy Gladius Packs (Cards used in Brawls). Energy is the resource used in Ranked Play Battles. Legendary Potions increase the chances to get a Legendary and Epic card in Loot Chests and Packs. Alchemy Potions increase the chance of getting a gold foil card in Loot Chests and Packs.


Spend GLINTs On What Gives The Most Value

If you look at the new Rebellion SoulBound Reward Cards, the most valuable and powerful cards are the EPIC cards.


This is apparent to every new set. Whenever new reward cards are introduced, focus on the cards that are viable and useful in battles. For this Rebellion set, the most notable one is Olivia of The Brook, an Epic card. With Mimic as her secondary ability, she is no doubt one of the most sought out card in the meta.


And this is not limited to Olivia. Epic cards, as a whole, are valuable because of the newly introduced - Debilitations. Debilitations are abilities that negatively affect your card and its allies. A card that has a debilitation is typically a very powerful card with high stats. This is to circumvent the negative effects of the debilitation. For example, Kha'zi Conjurer has the Incendiary debilitation that burns him and possibly his allies. To balance this, Kha'zi has high Ranged attack, high Speed and Piercing ability.


This is where I spend my GLINTs. I spent it on Epic Draws. Every end of the season, I spend all my GLINTs to buying Epic Draws. When I get some extras I buy Major Loot Chests. Another thing I do is whenever I get 7500 GLINTs, I spend it immediately to buy an Epic Draw hoping that I would max out Epic Cards immediately.


And what do you know? I got some extra GLINTs. Let's buy one Epic Draw.


And just like that, I got me a Shock Trooper. Shock Trooper has the Electrified debilitation that 'zaps' him and all his allies every round. But what's good about this card is it has 5 Magic Attack, 4 Speed and 6 Health at Maxed Level. A very powerful card specially in Back To Basics ruleset.



This is just one of the few strategies players can do in the GLINTs shop. Watch out for other posts regarding this matter and please support them too. Can you think of other strategies for buying things in the GLINT shop? Make a post or comment down below. Until next time, Lezgow!

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Sources: Splintercards, Splinterlands
