These Features Could Bring Players Back



These Features Could Bring Players Back

Hey hey hey!

With lots of changes happening in our favorite game Splinterlands, there are features that when given emphasis or improved on could bring players back in the game. As a long time player, I believe these features are what we need to increase our player base. It's true that we need new players but I also believe that bringing back old players could make a big impact to the economy. Lets discuss what these feature are and what they mean to the players.


League Tier Advancement Chests


League Tier Advancement Chests is a great addition to the game. This adds excitement and element of surprise to the game. For new players out there, League Tier Advancement Chests is a feature in the game where you receive loot chests whenever you advance a league. Here is the loot chests distribution table:

LeagueMinor ChestsMajor ChestsUltimate Chests
Champion 115156
Champion 214125
Champion 313104
Diamond 11293
Diamond 21182
Diamond 31071
Gold 196-
Gold 285-
Gold 374-
Silver 163-
Silver 252-
Silver 341-
Bronze 15--
Bronze 23--
Bronze 33--
For example, when you reach Gold 3, you will receive 9 Minor Chests and 6 Major Chests. This happens only once. When you went back to Bronze 1 and climbed to Gold 3 again, you will not receive the chests again. Another thing to note here is the loot chests you received must be opened immediately and cannot be put aside later.

How to Improve League Tier Advancement Chests

This feature is no doubt exciting considering the fact that the higher you climb the more quality chests you can receive. Another exciting fact is, you can potentially hit the jackpots - Land, Legendaries and Beta Packs. But one thing is missing here, the chance of earning SPS. I know there might be some economic backlash but considering we removed all of the other faucets giving out SPS, this could probably not that detrimental to the price of SPS. For old players, this is reminiscent of the past where Loot Chests contain SPS. This brings back the old times that we miss during the bull run of 2021.


Summoner Level Caps Removal


As part of the February 2024 Ranked Battle Overhaul, Summoner Level Caps are removed. For new players, there was a time that there are level limits when you play in a particular league. These feature used to limit the level of your monsters based on the Summoner and it is also applied to the league you are playing at. For example in Bronze league, players are only allowed to use Level 3 Commons, Level 2 Rares, Level 2 Epics and Level 1 Legendaries.


Bring Back Summoner Level Caps

I appreciate the intention on the removal of Summoner Level Caps. In this way players are not limited to the levels of their cards and they can play in whatever league they want. But there is a drawback. High level players play in the lower leagues making it difficult for low level players specially beginners to advance. I am aware of the fact that when we get lots of players this could even out. High level players will have no choice but to advance to the next league due to their win rate. But as long as we don't have lots of players, this will always be the dilemma of the current player base.



I do hope readers would get some value from this post of mine. This is not a proposal, just an opinion. Still, I appreciate what the team has done in this game and that's the reason I stayed. For old players out there, do you agree with these thoughts? Comment down below. You may also add some feature you want to change here. I might have missed something. That's all for me in this post, Vonak!

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Sources: Splintercards, Splinterlands, Splinterlands Docs


maybe in new game mode they can bring back the summoer levle caps
