The Luck of the Draw #44 - Prepare for Trouble ~ Make It Double!


Hello dear Splinterlanders!
Before I say anything else, I will have to apologize to all of you for not posting yesterday. Life got in the way and I had some important meetings at work which kept me busy until late into the evening so there was no time to play Splinterlands. The positive takeaway from this however, is that I had two whole quests to do today! One was a Fire quest and one was a Water quest and obviously the water quest was quicker to do. Anyways, I went ahead and completed both of them before making this post so you can just gobble up the rewards:
Well, three potions to commemorate me buying 100 CL packs, that is nice! and 22 DEC which, considering the current rewards being as low as they are, is quite nice. Nothing to complain about today so I am happy to tell you all to have a great evening and keep up keeping up!

4.675 SPT