Social Media Challenge! Trample

Keep Killing Diemon Shark.png

Aunque es usar rample, viniendo del invocador Possibilis The Wide (el cual no poseo) seguiremos el reto con el señor Diemon Shark, suelo usarlo muy poco, casi nunca logro un Trample con el, pero esta vez se logro el Trample y además se logro ganas la batalla.

"Although it is using a trample, coming from the summoner Possibilis The Wide (which I do not own) we will continue the challenge with Mr. Diemon Shark, I usually use him very little, I almost never achieve a trample with him, but this time the trample was achieved and also achieved you win the battle."


Me venia alguien con mucha magia, a primera vista lo que pensé fue, que debía haberme llevado a Osshanus, evadiría practicamente todo el daño mágico y terminaría rápido con la batalla, tampoco fue que sufrí mucho, con el Deimon Shark y su gran cantidad de escudo podía resistir la magia, ya que en las condiciones estaba Weak Magic, por lo cual la magia no se iba a saltar al escudo y le haría daño.

Someone with a lot of magic came to me, at first glance what I thought was that he must have taken me to Osshanus, he would evade practically all the magical damage and end the battle quickly, it wasn't that I suffered much either, with the Deimon Shark and his large amount of shield could resist magic, since the conditions were Weak Magic, so the magic was not going to jump to the shield and hurt it."


Justo en este preciso instante, Shark acaba con el lobo e iba por la siguiente carta, moriría turnos mas tarde, pero habría acabado con un enemigo y le habría causado daño al otro.

"Right at this precise moment, Shark finished off the wolf and was going for the next card, he would die turns later, but he would have finished off one enemy and caused damage to the other."


Ya casi al finalizar, el Weak Magic me estaba favoreciendo mucho, además de que el Bloodlust ya me había subido suficiente el ataque para eliminar a las cartas mas fácilmente. Si le hubiera sumado al Bloodlust el Trample que da Possibilus, la partida hubiera terminado mas rápido.

Acá les dejo el link para que vean la partida

"Almost at the end, Weak Magic was favoring me a lot, plus Bloodlust had already raised my attack enough to eliminate the cards more easily. If I had added the Trample that Possibilus gives to Bloodlust, the game would have ended faster.

Here I leave you the link so you can see the game"
