Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Using Thaddius Brood to defeat a max deck in back to the basics


Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. For this week, I chose a great battle where I took advantage of Thaddius Brood to win a match against a maxed-deck opponent.

Featured cards


Thaddius Brood is a death summoner that costs 4 mana. It reduces the enemies health and magic by 1. So it is quite useful when your opponent uses magic monster, but even if it doesn't, the decreased health can help you win. Increasing its level only increases the level of cards that you can use.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png

The ruleset this time is Back to Basics. This means that all monsters won't have any abilities. There are 13 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, life, or dragon splinter.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Thaddius Brood4Summoner
Pelacor Deceiver51st
Carrion Shade12nd
Corpse Fiend03rd
Chaos Agent14th
Weirding Warrior25thRanged damage
Total Mana:13

My first monster is the Pelacor Deceiver due to its high health and speed for the low mana cost. After that are two filler melee monsters to act as backup damage dealers after my tank goes down. Then I have one filler monster and my last monster is a ranged monster. My summoner will also reduce the magic damage and health by 1 so I am trying to survive long enough to win.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that I have the advantage. My opponent will be focusing on magic damage and my summoner counters that. At the same time, the health decrease will also make it so that I can one shot kill some of the monsters up front. It will be a battle of endurance to see whether or not I can deal enough damage before my range monsters go up front. I do have the speed advantage.

Round 3

round 3.png
I fast forwarded to round 3 where my tank died, but I was able to take out 3 monsters on my opponent's end. At this point, if I don't miss too much, I should win this match. This is because of the speed advantage.

I ended up winning the match a round later because I didn't miss any attacks.


The battle this time around went as I expected. My summoner was a direct counter against my opponent because it reduced his magic attack. At the same time, the reduced health from my summoner also let me kill off some monsters faster. It was a big help at the start because I was able to kill off some of the first few monsters in one hit instead of two hits. My strategy worked out as my ranged damage just piled up damage and the speed advantage also helped out.

You can see my entire match here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Not missing any attack is making me feel like you’re a pro😁😁
Well done!


Great back to basic game. It's always difficult to come up with a strategy to play this Ruleset, I just think you had a first card with good health


Your strategy with Thaddius Brood is awesome man. Using him to counter magic damage was a smart move.
