Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle BATTLE MAGE SECRETS! Silenced Summoners and winning due to Scattershot

Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a rule set using a specific card and on this week's post it is a battle with the Silenced Summoners rule set. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is Silenced Summoners and Wands Out. This means that summoners have no effects and only magic monsters can be used. There is also 45 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, life, death, or dragon splinter.

The summoner I chose to use this time is Drake of Arnak. The ruleset negates effects so I choose a dragon summoner so I also have access to dragon cards. As this is a gold foil brawl, I am limited in my choices, and having access to dragon cards increases my options.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Drake of Arnak4Summoner
Djinn Muirat91stVoid Armor
Chaos Dragon142ndScattershot
Venari Bonesmith43rdLife Leech
Witch of Warwick54thBloodlust and Life Leech
Total Mana:36

I plan to use Djinn Muirat as my tank for the void armor because it will let it survive longer against my opponent. My 2nd monster is Chaos Dragon with scattershot as a backup tank. After that is two life leech monsters and one of them also has bloodlust. These are my damage dealers and the life leech will also allow it to survive longer.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that this match could go either way. However, scattershot from Chaos Dragon can kill off 4 different monsters if it lands on them in the first round. If I can do this a few times, then I can win after removing the damage dealers.

Round 2

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I was able to take out one monster and drop down the health of a few other monsters. My tank has taken quite a bit of damage so it is a little concerning. However, I still have a backup tank so my damage should be able to kill off another few monsters next round.

Round 3

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I lost my tank but I was able to take out another two monsters. It's a bit concerning to see the bloodlust monster get a stack but my bloodlust monster also got one stack.

Round 4

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My opponent lost another monster and I think I have this match won. My monsters will be able to kill off the bloodlust monster this round so I don't see any way for me to lose this match.

I won the match a few rounds later without any issues.


The battle went exactly as I expected. My choice to use a void armor tank worked out as it was able to tank quite a bit of damage. Using a second strong damage dealer in my next spot also worked out as it gave my other monsters a chance to gain more damage. I was lucky to kill off one of the higher damage dealers in the back during the first round and that was enough to swing the match into my favour. That monster had life leech as well so it could have been dangerous.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players play in a ruleset.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think you had the better strategy. The Djinn murat soaked all of that needed pressure and actually won you the game. You had the better speed too, and the Chaos dragon just had enough tank as well


Your strategy was perfect so far
Congrats on winning
