Mish Mash Dialogue IV



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A Haiku for you all, from yours truly....

Under grey skies,
rain echoes on weary hearts;
dreams drenched,
hope survives.

Remain disciplined – Uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist.

Practice courtesy and righteousness – Serve the society and respect your elders.

Love your fellow students – Be united and avoid conflicts.

Limit your desires and pursuit of bodily pleasures – Preserve the proper spirit.

Train diligently – Maintain your skills.

Learn to develop spiritual tranquility – Abstain from arguments and fights.

Participate in society – Be moderate and gentle in your manners.

Help the weak and the very young – Use your martial skills for the good of humanity.

Pass on the tradition – Promote our art and its code of conduct.
Remain disciplined – Uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist.

Practice courtesy and righteousness – Serve the society and respect your elders.

Love your fellow students – Be united and avoid conflicts.

Limit your desires and pursuit of bodily pleasures – Preserve the proper spirit.

Train diligently – Maintain your skills.

Learn to develop spiritual tranquility – Abstain from arguments and fights.

Participate in society – Be moderate and gentle in your manners.

Help the weak and the very young – Use your martial skills for the good of humanity.

Pass on the tradition – Promote our art and its code of conduct.

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The seagull on your windowsill had a red spot on it's bottom beak, which young gulls peck at when feeding. The gull was seeking food to feed it's nestlings, and it was a good thing it couldn't raid your kitchen through wide open windows. This demonstrates that some propriety is fundamental to strong and prosperous society, and such principles have applications we cannot foresee and predict, but are essential to our success.

Rosa Koire was a treasure we have sadly lost, but she well stated her understanding of the UN Agendae and what should be done about them. Kary Mullis also well stated the facts we needed while he was with us. I appreciate the encouragement you provide in the text below the video. It was such sentiments that convinced me to ensure my children were trained in martial arts, and not just the skill in defending themselves that is the overt benefit of martial training.

You are right about action. 'The proper course of philosophy is action.'--Plato

The problem with taking action is that we are people that make mistakes, and when we make mistakes leading others, we are responsible for any harm that results. For this reason I endeavor to act on my own, and do not seek to lead people so that I do not do them harm when I make mistakes. I do seek to encourage people to themselves act, as I have you. It is free people that themselves take responsibility for their mistakes that learn from them, and such competence is the fundamental strength of civil society that underwrites secure and prosperous civilization. Free people working together are whom will prevail in the ongoing contest, not minions of demagogues doing as they're told.

It is interesting that you note borders being locked down and the benefits of employment being reduced, because at the same time these deprivations are inflicted on native and naturalized populations, the borders are thrown open to undocumented migrants whom are showered with benefits. The very generous benefits granted to these migrants are astounding to people that work, whose benefits are being reduced, and this very predictably causes them great distress.

These are not principles endemic to Western Civilization. These are attacks on Western Civilization, that arose and became dominant because it rewarded diligence and hard work, strong, proper, and prosperous families that were integral to society, and people that acted to effect civil society - all of which are being deprecated and degraded today ubiquitously across the West. That degradation is not accidental. It is being imposed by traitors who have been infiltrated into positions by the WEF for that specific purpose. The NWO does not have military might, and thus can only conquer the world by causing the societies to themselves destroy their national polities. Commercial entities, of which the WEF are the majority of financial power, can then collapse supply lines and blame that collapse on political upheaval, leaving the civilian populations without necessities and desperate. The NWO can then offer to provide necessities in exchange for political power, and starving people cannot refuse.

For this reason I strongly encourage, as did Rosa Koire, local action to supply necessities and the blessings of civilization. As people provide themselves their necessities there can be no desperation to enable the NWO to demand political power, and prosperous and competent peoples cannot be conquered by treason. That is my plan to save the world, and I see that adoption of decentralized means of production is increasing and development is accelerating. I am sad adoption is not more universal, but for the NWO to be defeated it does not have to be. There only need to be enough prosperous free people to create civil society that can endure and expand, which there is.

You are not wrong about the majority of people being unwilling to undertake the work of creating secure and prosperous civil society, but the majority of people are not necessary to do so. I endeavor daily to create more productive capacity locally with people that are working to create secure and prosperous civil society (even if that isn't their acknowledged intent), and I am cognizant of a regionally connected population as a result. I often work without pay, being very frugal, in order to advance certain industry, capacity, and interconnections, and as a result I am not neglected by my friends and neighbors when I have need of things. I do not pay rent, most utilities, or even have to cook much. People I provide services for in turn provide all these necessities to me. One of my favorite blessings is chocolate chip cookies, and little old ladies for whom I dig gardens and make trellises keep me constantly supplied with such goodies at all times.

Goodwill is vastly more valuable than money, and is the fuel strong and prosperous society runs on. Money can, and does, fuel criminal enterprises, which goodwill inherently counters. The principles you have laid down in the text of this post all greatly promote goodwill, and strong and prosperous society, which is the most powerful defense of Western Civilization that can exist, and will prevail in the current contest for world domination ongoing. It is in order to create that local civil society and the strength of our friends and neighbors we extricate ourselves from global financial encumbrance and contribution to the entities comprising the WEF and the traitorous NWO seeking to weaken and destroy our good people.

I am greatly encourage that you practice to improve and increase your capability, not only martially, but in knowledge of history, such as the Red Boats, which I had never heard of before, and in the arts, particularly performative art such as prestidigitation which depends on physical mastery of these meat puppets we are confined to. I merely bend nails and dig holes. We are very different, but we also exemplify the diversity of humanity and it's variety of strengths, all of which are beneficial and fundamental to strong and prosperous civil society. It is because we both encourage and develop good endeavors by good people we deliver the death blow to the NWO that seeks to enslave and impoverish us and our peoples, and that is what we need to do.

We can only help them that help themselves, but that is all we need to do. Those that will not help themselves, and seek to prey on others, are unnecessary to strong and prosperous civil society. While it is tragic that such people cannot be counted on going forward, it is not necessary to save them from themselves. We only need to save ourselves and work together with those that also seek to provide the fundamental necessities and blessings of civilization in order to sustain civilization and the good people capable of it. We are succeeding, and I am confident we will succeed.


Edit: I quote Plato here, but out of uncertainty in retrospect, I searched on Yandex for that quote, and the only source of it I can find is me. LOL I cannot take credit for it as I absolutely recall reading it somewhere long ago, but for the life of me I cannot remember specifically to whom I should acredit 'The proper course of philosophy is action.'


Hey VC

Thanks once again for taking the time to listen to my ramble and to offer such thoughtful perspectives as to your modus operandi.

I feel the dichotomy of feeling a sense of duty to actualize oneself in the expression of freedom by living freely, whilst being confronted with wanting to encourage others to do the same and finding the right balance in such actions.

Ultimately people save themselves and if they don't put in the effort then they close themselves off forever to any and all opportunities. How many have experienced the goodwill lifestyle such that you explained? Not many can see the benefits of living like that, because that thin veil of worldly gains and the human condition/drama blinds us all. To this point you're the second person to prove to me that one's life path can be changed via proper alignment to cause and effect, as outlined in the Mahayana Buddhist Sutras; that the results gained is nothing woo-woo spiritual voodoo, but very logical and even concrete.

The World (whether the physical or spiritual) runs on the principle of reciprocation. Your lifestyle and the freedom you enjoy proves this very much. And it's this world truth that The Enemy has also hidden from us all, weaponized it into some new age spiritual crap and turned any observations regarding dismissing the materialistic trappings of commercialized life as unwelcome in their society.

The World is a much bigger place than any Society. You and I are thorns to any curated society. We are not much different in path, you're just the future me and I am a past rendition of you in a sense. I know when i reach the matured years i will be living like you....i choose to because i have done so before right throughout my 20s. There's no other way to live....

Just like Patrick Falterman II aka the Modern Nomad...or Dan Suelo who lived without any money in America for 15 years...or this guy i started noticing on youtube who runs a channel called Nomad Push (Japanense skater who lives nomadic in Japan). These are all fine examples of whats possible when we just stop being led like donkies.

In speaking of leading others, now must be the time for all to step up to the plate. The reason society has degenerated is because we are infested with weakness. It is a codeless, honorless, compassionless world that invites deception. We have allowed all this because people have always passed the hot potato of responsibility (firstly to themselves) onto others...and now Big Corps is our warden and we are considered children in the eyes of the State, and lost upon this Holy Sea, that we cannot handle our affairs and that we (and our share of the land and it's natural resources) must be handled by people who know better. We are at War and we must step up for our own freedom's sake.

Thanks again for the profound thoughts!


You make many good points that result from sound consideration. I feel urgent need to address one of them.

"...you're just the future me and I am a past rendition of you..."

I vehemently disagree. You're a much better man than am I. I was raised feral, with very little guidance from parents, who told me they felt a duty to feed and house me, but the rest was up to me. As a result, I had no moral guidance, and seeking it from the available sources (churches, etc.) I was confronted with blatant corruption and deception, so much that I was greatly demoralized and buried myself in hedonism. I became a heavy metal musician, ne'er do well, and soaked in drugs and alcohol, at least until ~30 when the yearning to have meaning and value to my life impelled me to marry and start a family.

THEN everything changed (ironically, the hangover of consequences of my dissolution overwhelmed me after I diligently sought to change. It is laff). In contrast you train daily, deeply delve into moral and ethical questions, and apply your understanding to every facet of your life. You're so far ahead of where I was at your age it's not even comparable at all. I was like a child regarding such personal development, and you are at the forefront of competence adults are responsible to have.

I mention this because you should expect to achieve vastly improved outcomes accordingly. I have paid an expensive price for my extensive education in morals and ethics, because I had to learn them by failing repeatedly and eventually grasping why hedonism was counterproductive to happiness and satisfaction with life.

Amongst other reasons, this strongly humbles me. I have been very stupid, and earned the prizes for playing stupid games. Your competence enables you to avoid many of the stupid awards I have achieved (do be aware that can make it difficult to avoid insuperable self esteem. I say this despite obvious evidence you are fully aware, just because humility is of such inestimable value), and this puts you leagues ahead of me and the foundation on which you will proceed to develop further.

True humility has nothing to do with false modesty. You are highly advanced, not only compared to me, but to most humanity at any age, not only your peer group. Acknowledge that fact and remain humble and you can better attain the difficult results you seek by being aware almost all of those you interact with must be gently introduced to the advanced understanding you would share.

I suspect you cannot fathom the encouragement I feel knowing you, and more like you, come to replace me and my worn out ilk. My incompetence isn't the standard that will empower the coming evolution of society, but your competence is - and that is damn good news!


Thank you again for your words of encouragement.

I know we can speak without deception and knowing this, i see the reasoning behind your encouraging words. A lesson i'm learning right now is that people ought to be encouraged and praised no matter how minute the goodness they provide to the world. This is vital and it is a lesson for me in goodwill. Thank you.

Since i see you as an elder, i will accept your words of encouragement as a barometer to become a better man. I don't agree with all that you've written, but i like to think there must be value in speaking it.

I often feel that very aloof from worldly successes, and highly incompetent in Society. Yet i've always had the desire to leave this place better than i found it, and for that cause i will keep trying.

We are parts of the same chain; you're the link that came before, and i am the link that continues where you left off. So lets move forward and be the goodwill that's lacking in this world...


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.


"...i've always had the desire to leave this place better than i found it..."

That's because you're a good person, and that's something good people do.

Invictus is perhaps the only poem I have memorized, and I agree in it's entirety. I could hardly be more substantiated in my opinion of you that by your quoting it.
