(Esp/Eng) Tutorial: Collar tejido a crochet, inspirado en pirata de ocho, en el concurso de arte 312 de Splinterlands/ Tutorial: Crocheted necklace, inspired by pirate of eight, in Splinterlands 312 art contest.


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Buenas noches , a todos los integrantes de esta linda comunidad #diyhub , espero que hayan estado bien en su jornada laboral, que el Espíritu Santo, guie nuestras y nos lleve por el camino del bien.

Good evening , to all the members of this beautiful community #diyhub , I hope you have been well in your workday, may the Holy Spirit, guide our and lead us on the path of good.


Quiero mostrar a través de un tutorial , como hacer un collar tejido a crochet,con una piedra redonda y grande ,como dije. Inspirado Pirata de ocho, en concurso de arte 312 de @Splinterlands.
Este collar es lindo, se realiza con pocos materiales y en pocos minutos. Sencillo pero elegante, cualquier mujer que lo lleve puesto , será el centro de atracción.Pueden hacerlo de otros colores,sin más nada que decir, manos a la obra, vamos a materiales.

I want to show through a tutorial, how to make a crocheted necklace, with a large round stone, as I said. Inspired by Pirate of eight, in Splinterlands art contest 312.
This necklace is cute, it is made with few materials and in a few minutes. Simple but elegant, any woman who wears it, will be the center of attraction.You can make it in other colors,with nothing more to say, let's get to work, let's go to materials.


Materiales que se necesitan para realizar el collar tejido a crochet, inspirado al pirata de ocho,de Splinterlands:

  • Hilo de tejer, color beige.
  • Aguja de tejer , número 3.
  • Tijera.
  • Piedra grande, redonda.
  • Silicona liquida.

Materials needed to make the crochet necklace, inspired by the eight pirate, from Splinterlands:

  • Knitting yarn, beige color.
  • Knitting needle, number 3.
  • Scissors.
  • Large round stone.
  • Liquid silicone.


Pasos para la realización del hermoso collar tejido:

  • Lo primero que debemos hacer , es tomar el hilo de tejer beige junto con la aguja, hacer un anillo mágico y dentro del anillo meter 10 puntos bajos. Esa es la primera vuelta.
  • Para la segunda vuelta,se debe hacer en cads punto un aumento, para 20 puntos bajos.
    Para la tercera vuelta, se debe tejer,aumento y un punto. Así se debe tejer toda la vuelta. Deben quedar 30 puntos bajos.
  • Para la vuelta 4 , hacer un punto bajo en cada punto. Y para la 6 vuelta repetimos la vuelta número 5.
  • Al finalizar la vuelta, recortamos el excedente con las tijeras.
  • Ya tenemos listo la primera parte del collar.

Steps for the realization of the beautiful knitted necklace:

  • The first thing we must do , is to take the beige knitting yarn along with the needle, make a magic ring and inside the ring put 10 low stitches. That is the first round.
  • For the second row, you must make an increase in each stitch, for 20 single crochet stitches.
    For the third row, knit one increase and one stitch. This is how the whole round should be knitted. There should be 30 single crochet stitches left.
  • For the 4th row, knit a single crochet in each stitch. And for the 6th row, repeat row 5.
  • At the end of the row, trim the excess with scissors.
  • Now we have the first part of the necklace ready.


  • Ahora tomamos el hilo beige y la aguja y comenzamos a hacer cadenetas hacia los lados del motivo que se tejió. - - Debemos hacer 4 cadenetas ,dos a cada lado de 80 cadenas cada una.
  • Luego pegar con silicona líquida, el dije redondo en la parte del frente y ya está listo el collar.
  • Now we take the beige yarn and the needle and start making chain stitches towards the sides of the motif that was knitted.
  • We must make 4 chains, two on each side of 80 chains each.
  • Then glue with liquid silicone, the round pendant on the front part and the necklace is ready.






Aquí el resultado final del lindo collar tejido a crochet.

Here is the final result of the cute crocheted necklace.




Gracias por leer mi post, muchas bendiciones.
Las fotos son mias ,tomada con teléfono Infinix, editar con incollage y traducidas por Deepl.

Thank you for reading my post, many blessings.
The photos are mine ,taken with Infinix phone, edit with incollage and translated by Deepl.



You are good in this work. A long process. First make crochet. And then complete this. Nice DIY.


We at DIHHub love to see how participants are inspired by Splinterlands and manage to create valuable art like this Pirate necklace you have made tegido.What a great job and what an excellent post, thank you so much dear friend for giving your best.


Well to me it looks more beautiful than the original hahaha, that tends to happen a lot in this community where talent is what stands out the most. I admire your knitting work, there is a lot of passion in every detail. Thank you for sharing...


Stuff like this usually last longer .
This is a brilliant work
It really looks good in you.


que bonito! decorativo y buena técnica para crearlo!

how nice! decorative and good technique to create it!
