What Does It Take to Be "Lucky" In Crypto?

Many outsiders who are not into cryptocurrency are constantly throwing the "lucky" word around, especially when they see people who are into crypto making real-world gains that can be converted to money. I believe it is one of the harshest things ever said. Because luck is not fortune that's waiting to happen, it's a risk with the possibility to pay off.

It is easy to undermine success, especially when you believe it is undeserved.

I do not believe that any success is undeserved, unless you are the next of kin of a millionaire, saw millions of dollars lying on the ground, or inherited the fortune of someone who did not have children. People fail to recognize the importance of effort in achieving success; they believe that because you did not suffer as much as they did, any goodwill you may have received is a fluke.

The Concept Of Gambling

This is why I never underestimated gamblers. Do you think it is easy to keep staking money until one day it pays off? Gambling is high-risk, and the rewards are not guaranteed, but for a sane person to keep doing it over and over is unthinkable. Remember, if they fail, we call them failures and people without futures; if they succeed, we call them smarty pants, business tycoons, and even forget that gambling on its own can destroy a person's future.

So I usually give them their onions; even if they end up being fluke millionaires, people who consider themselves rational will never make the decision they have made. So a person who is resilient when others are fearful and scared is that one person who does not follow the odds; they are always betting against all odds, and these are not supposed to be called "merely lucky".

Luck: A Mindset Or Perspective?

I recently started this viral tapswap and decided to join the trend, not because I believe people will become successful with this Solana-based project, but because it is a low-risk effort that could potentially be rewarding even if it does not appear to be. There are people who are currently viewing it as a scam; it is not that I do not see it as a fluke project; I just did not think I was ready to believe that the people who may benefit from it were simply fortunate.

Look at the word "potentially." Many people underestimate the concept of potentiality because they believe it is not rewarding enough, is not genuine, and is largely a waste of time.

I recall that when I first started doing online gigs, my uncles thought I had no plan for my life and would eventually be a waste because I was not even healthy. I was not sure either, but I worked my ass out, earning money by assisting people in promoting their videos and curating their apps online; it was decent money, I grinded my ass out at midnight, and these same people thought I was just lucky to be making money without doing any real work.

What Can You Get For Money By Doing Nothing?

They thought I was lucky to have some people give me their money. It really messed up my mental health. They believe that the same luck has carried me through, that I have not done anything to deserve whatever I could afford, and that they are the real people who have worked their entire lives. I wanted to ask them if I was also fortunate to inherit a bad gene, to be constantly in and out of the hospital, or to have suffered severe health complications, but it is the story of entitled people.

People who are entitled find it difficult to believe that others have worked.

Except for my envy of people who are perfectly healthy, I believe that anyone with means or wealth earned it in some way. When people take risks, no matter how minor they appear on the surface, the fact that many people had the opportunity to take that same risk but did not means that if risk was easy to take, everyone would do so.

I know a lot of people who became millionaires by owning splinterlands assets as early as 2018.

Why aren't You Lucky Yet?

These guys invested their hard-earned money when many others couldn't. The fact that they "easily" became millionaires on the surface does not mean the money was a fluke. If everyone had predicted splinterlands in 2021, many people would have made life-changing money, quit their jobs, and lived their dreams.

It is the same with Hive; many people do not want to throw in the money, and the majority of those who do not will think those who do are currently fools or call them lucky when they win the jackpot. Taking risks is frequently undervalued because we often underestimate what it takes to take them.

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Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Taking risks is frequently undervalued because we often underestimate what it takes to take them.

and when risks pay off, people call you lucky... 😂

I remember very well many of my tryouts, jobs, businesses, etc... But, I can't remember that I was lucky with doing them, but I do remember that in most things, I had to go the hard way to get where I wanted to be...
Of course, I suppose that from the "outside," I was lucky in the eyes of others... :)

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It's a concept of lazy and unserious people of course, they will say you're lucky from their point of view, because it wasn't them in the hot seat making all the decisions.

I have been tagged lucky, by so many people, unscrupulous and lazy people

The difference is making the choice and taking the risk, which many wouldn't even consider. It's those always wanting to play safe that calls risk takers lucky


Wow my good friend, loved this topic. Taking risks in crypto isn't just about luck. It's about seizing opportunities others might overlook. I admire how you highlight the effort behind those gains. It really changes how we see "luck."


Yes, exactly, risk isn't easy, if not everyone will be taking it..


Very well put post, luck happens when opportunity meets preparation. You must first prepare, take risks to put you where others dare not to go or try. When things go well it is considered luck, as you said most people overlook the preparation. Buying into bitcoin and crypto at this moment in time is the best way to go. Definitely big rewards are coming to early investors, however the risk still lingers with scam crypto projects like rug pulls.
Thank you for sharing and enjoy a wonderful new week ahead


Exactly some people use to think the early investors in crypto were just lucky, meanwhile these people actually just utilized the opportunities they actually had. It's how life works, some people just believe you're lucky because it seems to happen easy for you. Meanwhile they didn't know all the work they put in


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If we’re looking for people who really believe in luck, they are surely gamblers because it isn’t easy to make predictions and begin to expect yourself to win and if they don’t, they go harder😅😅


It's true. Gamblers for one are not always the luckiest people, but when they become lucky, people always think they don't deserve it.


Any investment has a risk and some are less risky. However, I do think that you have to take that risk if you want the return.


Exactly, you're right, however, some people just think risk is so easy


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Taking risks is part of life. There is a difference between calculated risks and mindless ones, that often leave people poor or worse, in debt. We, in crypto, may have already been perceived as taking great risks compared to the majority of people (and we did) and while we often see something at the end of tunnel, they don't understand anything or very little of what's going on. So their solution is to denigrate what they don't understand (yet) or encompass everything in the word "lucky", if our risks pay off.
