RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

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It sounds generalist but it is not, if you are a regular player of Splinterlands is because you find it fun and that is fine, it is your opinion about the game; Venezuela is a baseball country, where all the stadiums of the country are constantly full because people find it fun, soccer instead has huge stadiums but the soccer community is not big, and for the rest of Venezuelans it is not fun. What is the point of building a 50,000 person stadium so that only 2000 people attend?.

If the Splinterlands player base is so poor, the question is not if it is fun for you who are part of it, it is if it is fun for those people who decide not to come in and play.


Well, playing web3 games in general is a niche in itself so it's normal that SPL's player base has a hard time growing just based on the fun factor. I've got more than 25 years of web2 gaming experience and I know that most of the "web2" gamers still won't touch a blockchain game with a 10-foot pole. That's an obstacle web3 gaming has yet to figure out how to overcome. Moreover, TCGs are a niche of their own as well - not really that mainstream in web2 either, so that also makes thing difficult but definitely not impossible. I truly think @yabapmatt has what it takes to elevate the game to the needed heights both in terms of gameplay and sustainability.
