RE: Pepe Game Closer According to Sum Frogs

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A fast win, nice!

So dev IS happening. Step one is always to setup database tables so we have a place to store cards, packs, sales, market info. This is basically done.

Next is the pack generator. Under some discussion as to how many packs and what the rarity distribution and pricing will be, but the idea is going to be to get a small set of packs up for sale which are somewhat similar to existing MR card packs. Later, further innovation can be added.

Card leveling also similar to MR card leveling. Same with card market.

Main innovation at this first pre-alpha stage is 3 card packs rather an 5, packs contain at least 1 rare or better, packs are pre-generated rather than on-demand as currently done for MR packs. So people will be buying Unopened packs which they can keep unopened or open any time. There will be a pack market as well as a card market.


Thanks! Exciting! !BBH !WINE !PIZZA

Looks like a froggie leak

May have to (make a) post to leak moar into da (potential) awareness of moar blockchain accounts. ~ signed da frog(gie)
