How to Handle Death Magic: Odd Ones Out


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Introducing the ultimate anti-magic monster for the Death Splinter: Djinn Muirat! With good damage at higher levels and even more impressive abilities like Void Armor, Knock Out, Giant Killer, Magic Reflect and Forcefield, he is a force to be reckoned with.

In battles where the Odd Ones Out rule is applied, I find my monster choices very limited and unable to fully utilize Djinn Muirat's potential. However, even without access to Revealer and Magi Necrosi, Death Splinter is still a force to be reckoned with.

With monsters like Legionnaire Alvar and Silent Sha-Vi, Soul Strangler and Uraeus along with Djinn Muirat and Summoner Thaddius Brood, Odd Ones Out rule of combat isn't a lost hope and you can still win as long as your team has a solid strategy.

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Thaddius Brood

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

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Djinn Muirat

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

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Thaddius Brood

Market Price | Buy

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

Thaddius Brood is still on quite the expensive end for a Rare summoner. He costs $11.5 for a max level but he's quite good to be your main Death summoner for a good long time.

Market Price | Rent

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

Renting him is different. His price fluctuate a lot. Sometimes you can rent him cheap for 3.18 DEC per day and sometimes, he costs around 8 DEC per day. Time it around the 1st or 2nd day after a season ends. This is the best time to rent your monsters to get you the cheapest prices.

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Djinn Muirat

Market Price | Buy

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

You can get a max level Djinn Muirat for around $7 which is a fair price in my opinion. He's really good and you can win a lot of battles with this monster as your second tank. This assures you that your team can withstand the opponent's brute force from the front and your strategy won't crumble just because your main tank died in a couple of turns.

Market Price | Rent

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

If $7 is a big money to give up in one day, then you can rent him for the meantime. The 5.24 per day is good enough for you to regularly rent him but be aware that this would still accumulate for a lot overtime and if you plan to use him more than a few months, maybe buying one is a better option than renting.

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Stats | Thaddius Brood

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

Thaddius Brood is a Rare summoner from the Chaos Legion Series.

Level 8 Rare summoners allow the use of:
Level 4 Legendary monsters;
Level 6 Epic monsters;
Level 8 Rare monsters;
Level 10 Common monsters.

Thaddius Brood may be a rare summoner but his abilities are legendary class. He's hard to counter and even on games where his reduced magic damage is unusable, the reduced max health always comes in handy.


-1 Magic. [Stat Modifier] [Negative Status] All Opponent monsters has their Magic damage decreased by 1 with a minimum of 1. Any monsters with 1 Magic damage before the ability applies are unaffected.

Death Splinter is a good counter against Obsidian's magic team. When Earth Splinter is available, it would be advisable to use Death Splinters. That also works for Water Splinter since there are a lot of good Water Splinter monsters with magic damage such as Djinn Oshannus.

-1 Health. [Stat Modifier] [Negative Status] All Opponent monsters has their Max Health decreased by 1 with a minimum of 1. Any monsters with 1 Max Health before the ability applies are unaffected.

A good general ability. Since the goal of the game is to kill your opponents first, then a reduced max health also means you're 1 step away grom doing this.

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Stats | Djinn Muirat

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

The best anti-magic monster for Death Splinter. His damage is good at high level but his abilities are on another level.


Void Armor.png

At level 1, Void Armor is unlocked. [Defense] Monsters with Void Armor ability can use their armor to block opponent's magic damage.

This is a really good ability since you can easily get Protect ability on Death Splinter with Ravenhood Warden with 4 mana cost. I wasn't able to use the monster here because of the second rule of combat, Odd Ones Out, allowing only monsters with Odd mana costs.

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At level 1, Knock Out is unlocked. [Damage] This monster deals double damage to opponents with Stunned Status

Death Splinter has multiple easily accessible monsters with Stun ability such as Revealer and Magi Necrosi. Stun ability is needed to use Knock Out ability. Unfortunately, both have even mana cost which makes them unusable in this battle.

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At level 2, Giant Killer is unlocked. [Damage] This monster deals double damage to opponents that costs 10 or more mana.

Giant Killer is a good ability especially when you're in high mana battles since most of the monsters your opponents will use are probably monsters with high mana cost as well. This would make Djinn Muirat do double damage to these monstrocities.

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At level 3, Magic Reflect is unlocked. [Defense] [Damage] Any opponent's monsters with magic damage that attacks this monster will take magic damage back by half the amount.

An offensive anti-magic ability. This returns half the damage he gets from his opponent's magic damage. The damage he gets will not get halved, however.


At level 4, Forcefield is unlocked. [Defense] When an opponent attacks a monster with Forcefield, if the damage is 5 or more, it becomes 1.

Any damage that is 5 and above turns to 1. This ability punishes those players who like buffing their monster's attacks. I find this especially useful against Water Melee builds and those who like to rely on Enrage ability.

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Battle Highlights

Click the link below to see the full battle:

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Rules of Combat

Battle Rule Odd Ones Out.PNG
𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

33 Mana Cap. Total mana cost of all monsters must not exceed 33 mana.

All elements unlocked except for
Water, Earth, Death, Dragon
Summoners and Monsters from these elements
be used during this battle.

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Silenced Summoners Rules of Combat. During this battle, all summoner abilities are disabled

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Odd Ones Out Rules of Combat. Only monsters with odd mana cost are allowed during this battle

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Abilities Used During This Battle

Void Armor.pngGiant Killer.pngDemoralize.pngDeathblow.pngKnock Out.pngMagic Reflect.pngForcefield.pngSneak.pngCripple.pngPiercing.PNGPoison.PNGDodge.pngWeapons Training.pngOpportunity.pngRust.pngResurrect.pngInspire.pngDispel.pngFlying.png

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Monsters in
are my opponent's. Those in BLUE are mine.

Round 1

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Pelacor Mercenary
    's Sneak attack killed Uraeus.
  2. Kulu Mastermind
    's Opportunity attack killed Soul Strangler.

Round 2

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Silent Sha-Vi's Sneak attack killed
    Pelacor Mercenary
  2. Djinn Muirat's attack killed
    Cruel Sethropod
  3. Legionnaire Alvar's attack killed
    Chaos Agent

Round 3

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Silent Sha-Vi's Sneak attack killed
    Pelacor Mercenary
  2. River Heliondale
    's attack killed Legionnaire Alvar.

Round 4

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Djinn Muirat's Magic Reflect attack killed
    River Heliondale

Round 5

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Djinn Muirat's attack killed
    Kulu Mastermind

Round 6

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Djinn Muirat's attack killed
    Noa the Just

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𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

Thaddius Brood: Even though Thaddius Brood's ability was unusable this battle, his high level is still good enough for me to use my high level monsters allowing me to get better stats and abilities for the monsters I used.

  1. Legionnaire Alvar: A good generic tank with high damage, armor and health. His abilities makes him a threat being able to deal 4x the damage at certain situation because of Giant Killer and Deathblow abilities.
  2. Djinn Muirat: My secondary tank. He can also be a main tank at times but second position is the best since he has magic damage that can attack from any position. He is one of the best Death monsters with odd mana cost.
  3. Silent Sha-Vi: A 5 mana cost melee monster with Sneak and Piercing ability. These two abilities are the most important making him a menace in the battlefield.
  4. Soul Strangler: Low mana cost monster of 3. Do not be fooled because his mana cost does not reflect the damage he can do in the battle. This comes with a consequence of having very low health. Opportunity ability can counter this monster.
  5. Uraeus: A generic neutral 3 mana cost Sneak monster which is usually a combo with Silent Sha-vi. His armor may not be big but it's good enough at times to act as a minor tank in the last position.

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α—ͺIα—ͺ YOα‘Œα–‡ α”•Tα–‡α—©TEGY α—―Oα–‡KEα—ͺ?

Yes. Even though I was at a disadvantage at first, my opponents able to eliminate two of my monsters right off the bat, I still had the advantage at the end. His problem is that he had very bad tanks in the front making his front line immedately get crushed. Target Modifying abilities like Sneak and Opportunity abilities loses their effects when in first position. This meant that when Kulu Mastermind became the main tank, the Oppotunity ability was lost and this allowed my Silent Sha-Vi to destroy my opponent's lineup starting from the back.

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α—―α•Όα—©T α—―Iα’ͺα’ͺ YOα‘Œ Tα–‡Y α—ͺIα–΄α–΄Eα–‡Eα‘ŽTα’ͺY α‘ŽEα™­T TIα—°E?

Rebellion Summoners
I think Rebellion Summoners for Death are really strong, especially the new ones like Cryptic and Lorkus. They wouldn't do anything on this battle because of Silenced Summoners but in other battles, I think they would do better than Thaddius Brood.

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𝑫𝒐 π’šπ’π’– π’π’Šπ’Œπ’†
Thaddius Brood and Djinn Muirat in Odd Ones Out Rules of Combat
? π‘Ύπ’‰π’š 𝒐𝒓 π‘Ύπ’‰π’š 𝒏𝒐𝒕?

. I don't like my choices getting limited. Just like I mentioned, I wasn't able to draw Djinn Muirat's full potential because both Revealer and Magi Necrosi wasn't part of this battle. If I have Ravenhood Warden as well, not only I would be able to boost the damage of my melee monsters but I would also have protection agains the Opportunity and Sneak abilities allowing my monsters to survive for longer.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterland's Battle Mage Secrets contest.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos. Photos and drawings without cited sources are mine and made for this post.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Some of the fonts used are from
  • Some of the icons used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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