♥ Metafrens Tournament 28th April 2022 (3) V.S Deathstarer7 & Dagger88


Metafrens Splinterland Tournament

Welcome to Koodies Metafrens tournament post 3, whereby I try to challenge myself to writing a post to understand more about splinterland tatics and sprinkle the wonders of splinterland to all my readers! Game On ~

@deathstarer7 Battle Link: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sm_bxfFSifZt0NKxUAO48RI

Deathstarer7 match

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Thaddius Brood4Summoner-1 Health is great!
Cursed Windeku61stComes with the ability, thorn and high health points to reflect damage
Magi Necrosi62ndCamouflage to prevent sneak attack and snipe to take down opponent backrow
Total Mana:16

My battle in a nutshell!


Round 1

Round 1

Oh man, when I saw the Thaddius I knew I had mess up! 🤣🤣🤣 GG lost badly.

Last Round

Last Round

With the bonesmith able to leech life there's no way for my Magi Necrosi which got a debuff of -1 magic to even decimate it's health points!

Result Board

What I should have done instead

Instead of using the death deck lineup, I should have went for the dragon instead. Using the all mightly dragon lineup!

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Drake of Arnak4SummonerJust to use Chwala, definitely worth it
Djinn Chwala81stComes with the thorn ability and high armor, which give an high overall effective health points
Venari Crystalsmith42ndHeal the Djinn Chwala
Total Mana:16

Dagger88 match

@dagger88 Battle Link: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sm_aCFih561sgxtuXd24cY0&ref=koodies


SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Thaddius Brood4SummonerTo use some life leech ability splinter
Carrion Shade11stTo use as a folder for Life Sapper to stack more health
Chaos Agent12ndTo use as a folder for Life Sapper to stack more health
Creeping Ooze13rdTo use as a folder for Life Sapper to stack more health and it also comes with the slow ability!
Life Sapper34thTo leech life and stack some hit points
Uraeus35thTo defend against any possible sneak attackers
Total Mana:13

My battle in a nutshell!


Round 1

Round 1

Okay, I kind of knew I lost when I shall his Windeku hahaha 🤣 that beast have 9 health points, there's no way I could take it down with just my life sapper before he reach life sapper.

Round 2

Round 2

There's goes my Carrion Shade. Bad. If only he didn't have the chicken at the back. Great move he has there!

Round 3

Round 3

And there goes Chaos Agent. This hurt 😭

Round 4

Round 4

And my plan to let life sapper stack some life fail badly or rather miserably.

Last round

Last Round

This kind of battle is just too tough to talk about ... totally wreck.

Result Board

What I could have done better?

There is nothing I could have done better, due to my lack of 0 mana splinters.

Overall Weakness

Got to used to high mana match which cause me to use high mana/rarity splinters instead of low mana splinters. Sometimes Quantity > Quality.


PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular games on HIVE like SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR, EXODE, HASHKINGS have their PIZZA communities here.

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If you will like to try out the game, here’s my referral: https://splinterlands.com/?ref=koodies
Link to my slight tweak for kiokizz splinter tool: https://koodies.github.io/splinterlands-tools/
