Card Highlights #29: Oshuur Constantia


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Card Highlights #29: Oshuur Constantia

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
by Nelson Mandela

Are you looking for a powerful addition to your team in Splinterlands? Look no further than Oshuur Constantia. This unit packs a powerful punch and useful abilities. His value per combat is unparalleled and his flexibility as a dragon unit provides him with unparalleled versatility. Despite his strengths, no unit is perfect, but if you approach his use strategically, you can ignore any weaknesses. Check him out and this might be the unit you needed to achieve that league goal you wanted.


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In time immemorial, the realm was beset by innumerable calamities: a thick cloud of poison that choked the air, the swelling of the sun, drowning floods, terrible storms, earthquakes that shook the land and brought great mountains to ruin, and the fading of ley lines.
Subsequently, the boundaries between this realm and other realms and planes grew frail and, eventually, broke down. Creatures never before seen spilled forth, and great tides of elemental mana filled the ether.

For full lore of this card, visit this website:


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Buy and Rental Costs

Even though he's from Chaos Legion, Oshuur Constantia is one of those still on the expensive side. His cost is less expensive than before but it's still a bit steep especially levels have a lot of impact on the game right now. You can buy a max copy for $72.76 while a single level 1 copy will cost you $6.75.

Renting him is no slouch either. A max copy can cost you 76.06 DEC per day but the good thing is what you really need is a level 3 to unlock the Tank Heal ability for 31.46 DEC per day.


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Card Stats

Oshuur Constantia's stats is decent. He can get up to 3 magic damage which is really good but not strong enough unlike other legendaries. All his abilities are good as well as he can be a key component in a lot of rule set.


Card Effects

When a friendly Unit dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle

Resurrect is a really good combo with someone who has a lot of armor since reborned units gain their max armor.

Reflection Shield
This Unit is immune to all indirect, or reflected damage. That means that it will not take damage from Blast, Thorns, Return Fire, or Magic Reflect

Reflection Shield is a good counter for a lot of rule sets such as Counterspell and Explosive Weaponry. The ability not only negates the damage but also makes him playable in those rule sets where it would be a big disadvantage otherwise.

Tank Heal
Restores a portion of the Unit in the first position's health each round

Since he is from Dragon Splinter, it's like having a neutral unit with Tank Heal which allows you to have this support ability in Splinters where it lacks that ability such as Fire and Death Splinter.


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Strengths & Weaknesses

Oshuur Constantia's damage and abilities are the clear strength. It gives you a lot of flexibility while dishing damage while supporting your team as well.

There's two weakness about him though, his mana cost and his rarity. Legendary monsters are bad to focus on in Splinterlands due to some rule sets that makes them unusable. The mana cost is also the same reason not to mention using him in battles with low mana cap are bad and the quantity versus quality is preferred.


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When To Use

Explosive Weaponry
All Units have the Blast ability.

Reflection Shield reduces the damage to 0. Have one unit with Taunt ability to redirect all the damage to it and place that unit in either the front or back while this unit goes next to it to disable any Blast damage.

Armored Up
All Units have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.

As I mentioned, resurrected units are resurrected with max armor, including the ones it gain from other units, summoners and rule set. So, the more armor you have, the more value the Resurrect has.

Wands Out
Only units with magic attacks may be used.

Oshuur Constantia is a unit with magic attack and Tank Heal. This combination is realy strong in Wands Out rule set because your enemy might not have them giving you the advantage on that battle.


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When Not To Use

Healed Out
All healing abilities are removed from Units and Summoners.

Since Tank Heal is one of this unit's selling points, no heal means a big hit on Oshuur Constantia's value.

Tis But Scratches
All Units have the Cripple ability.

This has something to do with the heal amount as well. Reducing the max health of the units reduces the heal as well.

Non-flying Units take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

The damage from the Earthquake cannot be reduced by Oshuur Constantia's Reflection Shield. His Tank Heal also won't heal himself unless he's in the front and Oshuur Constantia is no tank and has no reason to be in the front.


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Battle Sample

This is a very easy battle. Any damage that Chain Golem received is healed by Oshuur Constantia making him basically unkillable for this battle.


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Final Thoughts

Oshuur Constantia is a really strong unit and this is reflected by his buying and renting cost. The value he gives per combat is really high and the flexibility for being a dragon summoner is also huge.

Even after all these praises, no unit in Splinterlands is perfect (except for The Kraken but that is my own bias). This unit still has strengths and weaknesses but if you tread carefully, this wouldn't matter.

All in all, Oshuur Constantia is a good unit to add to your team if you have the budget for it. He can be a game changer depending on which rule set you will play him at and that is reason enough to put him on your radar.


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If you have suggested combos or questions, feel free to comment it down below.

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I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:

  • Splinterlands
  • Peakmonsters
  • Canva
  • Giphy

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

