RE: Top 1000 Hive Stakeholders! Moments of Pleasure, Years of Pain!
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I'm not part of the middle class but I am interested to know my KE. With a
quick look in HiveSQL I see my KE at about .3 but I'm not sure if I did the calculations correctly. Would you mind checking my script @azircon ?
total_hive_power is the total held HP
reward_hive_power is the total earned rewards calculated from vest
basically, I summed all the rewards and divided it by the total HP I have in my account.
DECLARE @user nvarchar(50) = 'krios003';
DECLARE @vests DECIMAL(18, 8);
DECLARE @reward_hive_power DECIMAL(18, 8);
DECLARE @total_hive_power DECIMAL(18, 8);
DECLARE @vest_multiplier DECIMAL(18,8) = (SELECT (total_vesting_fund_hive / total_vesting_shares) FROM DynamicGlobalProperties)
SELECT @vests = SUM(reward_vests)
FROM TxClaimRewardBalances
WHERE account = @user;
SELECT @reward_hive_power = @vests * @vest_multiplier;
SELECT @total_hive_power = (vesting_shares*@vest_multiplier) from Accounts where name = @user;
SELECT @reward_hive_power/@total_hive_power as KE;
Your calculation and concept sounds correct. KE = 0.3 is really good. You just have to get to middle class:)
Thanks! now, KE is the new flex in hive 😄
Ha ha ha! Depends on which side of the ratio you are on!