RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - July 11th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!

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I am not sure about the changes, I was excited about the last update but to be honest, in the end, I feel cheated.

I spend 3k DEC on rentals for Dimond which was okay as diamond daily rewards were nice but then they dropped the new update and suddenly I was getting only gold chests. Only because I am not able to press "new focus" on time as I am working and living (I am 38 years old so pretty busy).

So now I am still spending 3k on rentals and getting fewer rewards... On the other hand, my second account is in bronze, I am getting 20 chests in a few minutes of playing and the chance of getting something nice is still there for much less work...

In the end, the new system punished people who really play the game and need to rent the cards, forcing them to rent cards before the new quest is very unfair. In comparison someone who has 5 accounts in bronze will still get a better value. If this approach will go on the card market is gonna collapse and DEC will go to shit as it is happening right now.. even now I am starting to sell everything and buying HIVE as currently return from HIVE will be 200%-2000% in the few years where the return from cards will be shit.

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DEC price is down because of whole crypto market dump. Second thing if you are not able to rent the cards then simply just buy the cards and slowly build your account, later you will get decent value for sure.
